BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:SummaryThe E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship p romotes study of the history of Nantucket and provides access to the colle ctions of the NHA Research Library. Fellows receive a stiped of up to $900 \, travel reimbursement up to $600\, and accommodations for a maximum of t hree weeks in residency at the NHA. The deadline for applications is Febru ary 28\, 2025.About the AwardIn an effort to enhance the public&rsquo\;s k nowledge and understanding of the heritage of Nantucket\, Mass.\, the Nant ucket Historical Association offers an annual fellowship\, the E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship. Established in 1999\, the award e ncourages research in the collections of the Nantucket Historical Associat ion Research Library and is open to academics\, graduate students\, and in dependent scholars.The Nantucket Historical Association is the principal r epository of Nantucket history\, with extensive archives\, collections of historic properties\, and art and artifacts that broadly illustrate Nantuc ket&rsquo\;s past. Topics of research for recent scholars have included he alth aboard whaleships\, women at sea\, scrimshaw\, samplers\, local artis ts\, Nantucket&rsquo\;s architectural heritage\, Quakerism\, the African-A merican and Cape Verdean communities\, the Quaise Asylum\, and abolitionis m.Award Overview and RequirementsThe E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Vern ey Fellow will commit to a research residency of up to three weeks during March&ndash\;May or September&ndash\;December. The fellow also agrees to p articipate in the intellectual life of the association\, including deliver ing a public presentation on their research topic and preparing an article suitable for publication in \;Historic Nantucket.The Verney Fellow re ceives a stipend of $300 per week during their time in residence\, for up to three weeks. Travel expenses are reimbursed up to $600. Additionally\, housing is available at the Thomas Macy House\, a historic property owned by the association\, during the three-week period.How to ApplyApplicants m ust submit the following materials:A project proposal (up to 1\,000 words) \, including a description of the project and its significance\, a descrip tion of the anticipated research outcomes and audiences\, and the specific materials in the NHA&rsquo\;s collection that the applicant wishes to con sult and their relevance to the project.A current curriculum vitae.Propose d dates of travel.Research topics should be strongly supported by the Nant ucket Historical Association&rsquo\;s collections. We encourage prospectiv e applicants to email the NHA Research Library reference desk to discuss t heir research project and the collections that might support it before sub mitting an application.Applications or inquiries may be sent to:Verney Fel lowshipNantucket Historical AssociationPO Box 1016Nantucket\, MA 02554-or- subject line: Verney Fellowship) DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250301 DTSTAMP:20250313T233121Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241008 LOCATION:Massachusetts\,United States\,Nantucket\,7 Fair Street SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship UID:RFCALITEM638775054811031124 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The E. Geoff rey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship promotes study of the history o f Nantucket and provides access to the collections of the NHA Research Lib rary. Fellows receive a stiped of up to $900\, travel reimbursement up to $600\, and accommodations for a maximum of three weeks in residency at the NHA. The deadline for applications is February 28\, 2025.
A bout the Award
In an effort to enhance the public&rsquo\;s
knowledge and understanding of the heritage of Nantucket\, Mass.\, the Nan
tucket Historical Association offers an annual fellowship\, the E. Geoffre
y and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship. Established in 1999\, the award
encourages research in the collections of the Nantucket Historical Associa
tion Research Library and is open to academics\, graduate students\, and i
ndependent scholars.
The Nantucket Historical Association is t
he principal repository of Nantucket history\, with extensive archives\, c
ollections of historic properties\, and art and artifacts that broadly ill
ustrate Nantucket&rsquo\;s past. Topics of research for recent scholars ha
ve included health aboard whaleships\, women at sea\, scrimshaw\, samplers
\, local artists\, Nantucket&rsquo\;s architectural heritage\, Quakerism\,
the African-American and Cape Verdean communities\, the Quaise Asylum\, a
nd abolitionism.
Award Overview and Requirements
The E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellow will commit t
o a research residency of up to three weeks during March&ndash\;May or Sep
tember&ndash\;December. The fellow also agrees to participate in the intel
lectual life of the association\, including delivering a public presentati
on on their research topic and preparing an article suitable for publicati
on in \;Historic Nantucket.
The Verney Fellow rec
eives a stipend of $300 per week during their time in residence\, for up t
o three weeks. Travel expenses are reimbursed up to $600. Additionally\, h
ousing is available at the Thomas Macy House\, a historic property owned b
y the association\, during the three-week period.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit the following materials:
Research topics should be strongly supported
by the Nantucket Historical Association&rsquo\;s collections. We encourage
prospective applicants to email the NHA Research Library reference desk t
o discuss their research project and the collections that might support it
before submitting an application.
Applications or inquiries m
ay be sent to:
Verney Fellowship
Nantucket Historical Ass
PO Box 1016
Nantucket\, MA 02554
(with subject line: Verney Fellowship)