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DESCRIPTION:The New England Chapter\, Society of Architectural Historians i
nvites applications for the John Coolidge Research Fellowship. The deadlin
e for the application has been extended to February 15\, 2025 at\n11:59 p.
m.\n\nSupported\nby the chapter’s John Coolidge Educational Fund\, the Joh
n Coolidge\nResearch Fellowship assists graduate students at a New England
college\nor university working on topics in architectural history\, the b
uilt\nenvironment\, or a related field through an award of $1\,000 to supp
ort\ntheir research. \n\nApplicants\nshould submit a proposal (not to exce
ed three pages\, typed and\ndouble-spaced) explaining the overall project\
, how the Coolidge\nFellowship will support research (such as which archiv
es or sites you\nintend to visit\, collections to consult\, etc.)\, and ho
w this support\nwill contribute to the completion of the larger project. I
n addition to\nthis proposal document\, applicants should submit a budget
outlining how\nthe Coolidge Fellowship funds will be used\, noting any sou
rces (and\namounts) of other current or potential funding for the project\
, as well\nas a timeline for completing the research and overall project.
The\nproposal\, budget\, timeline\, and a current curriculum vitae should
be\nsubmitted electronically as one .pdf file.\n\nIn\naddition to the mate
rials submitted by the applicant\, one letter of\nreference from someone f
amiliar with the project should be submitted\nunder separate cover to nesa\n\nIt\nis expected that the recipient will complete
the research within twelve\nmonths of receiving the fellowship unless hea
lth and travel guidance\nprecludes such travel\, in which case the researc
h may be extended over\nan eighteen-month period. Half of the fellowship a
mount will be issued\nto the recipient upon at the time of selection\, and
the remainder will\nbe issued following a lecture given by the recipient
for NEav¸£ÀûÉç at a time\nand date to be determined by both parties discussing
how the Coolidge\nFellowship funds were used in context with the larger pr
oject.\n\nAll\napplication materials are to be addressed to Sophie Higgers
on\, Chapter\nPresident\, and sent to All mater
ials\,\nincluding reference letter\, must be received by February 15\, 202
5 at\n11:59 p.m.
LOCATION:United States
SUMMARY:Deadline Extended! New England Chapter John Coolidge Research Fello
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:The New England Chapter\, Society of Arc
hitectural Historians invites applications for the John Coolidge Research
Fellowship. The deadline for the application has been extended to
February 15\, 2025 at\n11:59 p.m.
ported\nby the chapter’s John Coolidge Educational Fund\, the John Coolidg
e\nResearch Fellowship assists graduate students at a New England college\
nor university working on topics in architectural history\, the built\nenv
ironment\, or a related field through an award of $1\,000 to support\nthei
r research.
\nApplicants\nshould submit a propo
sal (not to exceed three pages\, typed and\ndouble-spaced) explaining the
overall project\, how the Coolidge\nFellowship will support research (such
as which archives or sites you\nintend to visit\, collections to consult\
, etc.)\, and how this support\nwill contribute to the completion of the l
arger project. In addition to\nthis proposal document\, applicants should
submit a budget outlining how\nthe Coolidge Fellowship funds will be used\
, noting any sources (and\namounts) of other current or potential funding
for the project\, as well\nas a timeline for completing the research and o
verall project. The\nproposal\, budget\, timeline\, and a current curricul
um vitae should be\nsubmitted electronically as one .pdf file.
\nIn\naddition to the materials submitted by the applicant\
, one letter of\nreference from someone familiar with the project should b
e submitted\nunder separate cover to
\nIt\nis expected that the recipient will complete the res
earch within twelve\nmonths of receiving the fellowship unless health and
travel guidance\nprecludes such travel\, in which case the research may be
extended over\nan eighteen-month period. Half of the fellowship amount wi
ll be issued\nto the recipient upon at the time of selection\, and the rem
ainder will\nbe issued following a lecture given by the recipient for NESA
H at a time\nand date to be determined by both parties discussing how the
Coolidge\nFellowship funds were used in context with the larger project.
\nAll\napplication materials are to be addressed
to Sophie Higgerson\, Chapter\nPresident\, and sent to All materials\,\nin
cluding reference letter\, must be received by February 15\, 2025
at\n11:59 p.m.