BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Involving a global network of interdisciplinary scholars and ar tists\, \;Performing Space \;is an ongoing research project explor ing the relationship between performance and the built environment from th e varying perspectives of those studying and practicing at the intersectio n of human activity and its space\, such as architecture\, archaeology\, a nthropology\, sociology\, theatre studies\, philosophy\, economics\, media \, and visual arts.The Performing Space Association\, \;in collaborati on with the Department of Performing and Digital Arts of the University of the Peloponnese\, \;is organising the \;4th Performing Space conf erence\, \;with scholarly and performative presentations alongside emb odied workshops\, to be held in \;Nafplio\, Greece\, from 4 to 7 July 2025.Performing Space 2025 invites all researchers and artists who study a nd experiment with the relationships between space and performance to subm it their proposals for the conference presentations and participation in c oncurrent workshops. As a &lsquo\;post-disciplinary event&rsquo\; it bring s together academics\, practitioners and artists with their sociocultural perspectives\, all working together to advance the understanding of how ou r environments are and can be constructed\, using the body and performance as tools for knowing space\, whether physical or virtual. \;As with t he last edition\, the mornings will be dedicated to presentations\, the af ternoons to workshops and the evenings to various events. This year\, we a re offering a new option for proposing 'performative presentations'\, in w hich any means of expression can be used to communicate the proposals. How ever\, we will only have time for 12 presentations of this type. \;As always\, the conference is open to any topic related to performance and sp ace\, although in this edition we would like to highlight the following th reads:Pedagogies of PerformanceApplications of Site-Specific PerformancesP erformance-Based Spatial ResearchersPerformance and Space in the Social Sc iencesView registration rates and information on the Performing Space Asso ciation website. \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250708 DTSTAMP:20250313T010024Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250704 LOCATION:Greece\,Nafplio SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Performing Space Conference 2025 UID:RFCALITEM638774244248921199 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Involving a global network of interdis ciplinary scholars and artists\, \;Performing Space&n bsp\;is an ongoing research project exploring the relationship between per formance and the built environment from the varying perspectives of those studying and practicing at the intersection of human activity and its spac e\, such as architecture\, archaeology\, anthropology\, sociology\, theatr e studies\, philosophy\, economics\, media\, and visual arts.
The Pe rforming Space Association\, \;in collaboration with the Department of Performing and Digital Arts of the U niversity of the Peloponnese\, \;is organising the \;4th Performing Space conference\, \;with scholarly and performative presentations alongside embodie d workshops\, to be held in \;Nafplio\, Greece\, from 4 to 7 July 2025.
Performi ng Space 2025 invites all researchers and artists who study and experiment with the relationships between space and performance to submit their prop osals for the conference presentations and participation in concurrent wor kshops. As a &lsquo\;post-disciplinary event&rsquo\; it brings together ac ademics\, practitioners and artists with their sociocultural perspectives\ , all working together to advance the understanding of how our environment s are and can be constructed\, using the body and performance as tools for knowing space\, whether physical or virtual. \;
As with the last edition\, the mor nings will be dedicated to presentations\, the afternoons to workshops and the evenings to various events. This year\, we are offering a new option for proposing 'performative presentations'\, in which any means of express ion can be used to communicate the proposals. However\, we will only have time for 12 presentations of this type. \;
View and information on the Performing Space Association website. \;