BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The Centennial Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will take place on the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge\, Massachusett s on 20-22 March 2025\, hosted by Harvard University in collaboration with Boston College\, Boston University\, Brandeis University\, Fitchburg Stat e University\, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology\, Stonehill Colle ge\, Tufts University\, and Wellesley College. This is the first time that the Medieval Academy has gathered on the Harvard campus since 1975\, when the Academy celebrated its golden anniversary over three days in April wi th ten workshops\, two paper sessions\, and four plenary lectures addressi ng Latin and Byzantine Christendom. Fifty years on\, this year&rsquo\;s Ce ntennial program will bring together nearly 500 scholars from three contin ents\, 23 countries\, over 200 academic institutions\, and a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds for \;114 paper sessions\, four plenary lect ures\, and a host of associated workshops and events\, addressing the medi eval world from the North Atlantic to the Sea of Japan as well as the hist ories and possible futures of Medieval Studies itself. While this will be an in-person meeting\, our plenary lectures&mdash\;given by Kristina Richa rdson (Professor of History and Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages a nd Cultures at the University of Virginia)\, Sara Lipton (President of the Medieval Academy of America and Professor of History at Stony Brook Unive rsity)\, Wendy Belcher (Professor of Comparative Literature and African Am erican Studies at Princeton University)\, and a diverse group of medieval scholars and administrators&mdash\;will be live streamed. Whether you are participating in person or virtually\, we are excited to welcome you to Ca mbridge\, and look forward to meeting you\, learning from you\, celebratin g our shared commitment to Medieval Studies\, and laying the foundations f or our next hundred years!Register through the medieval academy website.Vi ew conference website at  \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250323 DTSTAMP:20250314T064753Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250320 LOCATION:Massachusetts\,Cambridge SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Medieval Academy of America 2025 Annual Meeting - Celebrating 100 Y ears UID:RFCALITEM638775316737983071 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The Centennial Meeting of the Medieval Acad emy of America will take place on the campus of Harvard University in Camb ridge\, Massachusetts on 20-22 March 2025\, hosted by Harvard University i n collaboration with Boston College\, Boston University\, Brandeis Univers ity\, Fitchburg State University\, the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo gy\, Stonehill College\, Tufts University\, and Wellesley College.
This is the first time that the Medieval Academy has gathered on the Harva rd campus since 1975\, when the Academy celebrated its golden anniversary over three days in April with ten workshops\, two paper sessions\, and fou r plenary lectures addressing Latin and Byzantine Christendom. Fifty years on\, this year&rsquo\;s Centennial program will bring together nearly 500 scholars from three continents\, 23 countries\, over 200 academic institu tions\, and a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds for \;114 paper sessions\, four plenary lectures\, and a hos t of associated workshops and events\, addressing the medieval world f rom the North Atlantic to the Sea of Japan as well as the histories and po ssible futures of Medieval Studies itself.
While this will be an in -person meeting\, our plenary lectures&mdash\;given by Kristina Richardson (Professor of History and Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cu ltures at the University of Virginia)\, Sara Lipton (President of the Medi eval Academy of America and Professor of History at Stony Brook University )\, Wendy Belcher (Professor of Comparative Literature and African America n Studies at Princeton University)\, and a diverse group of medieval schol ars and administrators&mdash\;will be live streamed. Whether you are parti cipating in person or virtually\, we are excited to welcome you to Cambrid ge\, and look forward to meeting you\, learning from you\, celebrating our shared commitment to Medieval Studies\, and laying the foundations for ou r next hundred years!
through the m edieval academy website.
View conference website at  \;