BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Register here. Since its inception\, CHSA has hosted eight meet ings: in Atlanta (2008)\, Philadelphia (2010)\, Boston (2012)\, Minneapoli s (2014)\, \; Austin\, Texas(2016)\, Maryland (2018)\, Kennesaw (2022) and Illinois (2023). \; We are very proud to be hosting our 9th meeti ng and celebrating 18 years of promoting and creating new knowledge in Con struction History.The 9th \; meeting of the Construction History Socie ty of America will feature research and scholarship from various academics and practitioners\, focusing on building design\, fabrication\, and const ruction history. This includes the physical results (infrastructure and bu ilding) and the materials\, processes\, and systems used in their developm ent. We seek a broad range of eras and geographies\, and topics focusing o n the Americas\, particularly the U.S. Midwest\, are encouraged. \; Pr esenters will include scholars\, engineers\, architects\, preservationists \, contractors\, and anyone in the building industry who wants to share th eir knowledge with us. \; \;About CHSA:The Construction History So ciety of America (CHSA) is dedicated to the study of the history and evolu tion of all aspects of the built environment&mdash\;its creation\, mainten ance and management. It is a forum for scholars and professionals in the f ield to share\, meet and exchange ideas and research. av¸£ÀûÉç is open t o a wide range of construction-related disciplines involved in the plannin g\, development\, design and construction of buildings and engineering inf rastructure\, in addition to those concerned with their operation and pres ervation. Members share a passion for examining how our existing structure s were planned\, designed and built\, with the purpose of using this knowl edge to better preserve what we have and to guide us in determining future directions.The Construction History Society of America (CHSA) was organiz ed in May 2007. It is a branch of the Construction History Society \;( CHS)\, based in the United Kingdom. Members of the CHSA receive a quarterl y newsletter \;focusing on American construction history\, as well as full benefits of membership of the UK CHS: \;Construction History\, a scholarly journal and the leading international publication in its field\, and links to scholars in the field worldwide. CHSA members also received discounted registration to CHSA-sponsored events.The Construction History Society of America is proud to have hosted the 5th International Congress on Construction History\, which took place in Chicago in June 2015. Nearly three hundred delegates from twenty-one countries attended the Congress. Proceedings from the Congress may be ordered in three volumes (Volume 1\,& nbsp\;Volume 2\, \;Volume 3). \; This was the first time the Congr ess was held outside Europe following the four previous congresses hosted by Madrid (2003)\, Cambridge (2006)\, Cottbus (2009)\, Paris (2012) and Br ussels (2018).The Construction History Society of America is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250615 DTSTAMP:20250314T065211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250612 LOCATION:Virginia\,United States\,Charlottesville\,University of Virginia S chool of Arhcitecture SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Construction History Society of America 9th Annual Meeting (Confere nce) UID:RFCALITEM638775319311741722 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Since its incept ion\, CHSA has hosted eight meetings: in Atlanta (2008)\, Philadelphia (20 10)\, Boston (2012)\, Minneapolis (2014)\, \; Austin\, Texas(2016)\, M aryland (2018)\, Kennesaw (2022) and Illinois (2023). \; We are very p roud to be hosting our 9th meeting and celebrating 18 years of promoting a nd creating new knowledge in Construction History.
The 9th \; meeting of the Construction History Society of A merica will feature research and scholarship from various academics and pr actitioners\, focusing on building design\, fabrication\, and construction history. This includes the physical results (infrastructure and building) and the materials\, processes\, and systems used in their development. We seek a broad range of eras and geographies\, and topics focusing on the A mericas\, particularly the U.S. Midwest\, are encouraged. \; Presenter s will include scholars\, engineers\, architects\, preservationists\, cont ractors\, and anyone in the building industry who wants to share their kno wledge with us. \;
About CHSA:
The Construct ion History Society of America (CHSA) is dedicated to the study of the his tory and evolution of all aspects of the built environment&mdash\;its crea tion\, maintenance and management. It is a forum for scholars and professi onals in the field to share\, meet and exchange ideas and research. Member ship is open to a wide range of construction-related disciplines involved in the planning\, development\, design and construction of buildings and e ngineering infrastructure\, in addition to those concerned with their oper ation and preservation. Members share a passion for examining how our exis ting structures were planned\, designed and built\, with the purpose of us ing this knowledge to better preserve what we have and to guide us in dete rmining future directions.
The Construction History Society of Ameri ca (CHSA) was organized in May 2007. It is a branch of the  \;(C HS)\, based in the United Kingdom. Members of the CHSA receive a quarterly ne wsletter \;focusing on American construction history\, as well as full benefits of membership of the UK CHS: \;\ , a scholarly journal and the leading international publication in its fie ld\, and links to scholars in the field worldwide. CHSA members also recei ved discounted registration to CHSA-sponsored events.
The Constructi on History Society of America is proud to have hosted the \, which took place in Chicago in June 2015. Nearly three hundred delegates from t wenty-one countries attended the Congress. Proceedings from the Congress m ay be ordered in three volumes (\, \;Volume 2\, \;). \; This was the first time the Congress was held outside Europe following the fou r previous congresses hosted by Madrid (2003)\, Cambridge (2006)\, Cottbus (2009)\, Paris (2012) and Brussels (2018).
The Construction History Society of America is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation.