BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Since 1996\, Initiatives in Art and Culture's American Art Conf erence has been at the forefront of critical inquiry in the field\, pushin g the boundaries of accepted thinking and spotlighting pioneering perspect ives on American Art.In our 29th American Art Conference\, Crafting the Dr eam\, we examine American Art through the twin lenses of "dream" and "craf t." All art\, it can be argued\, begins with a dream\, whether of subject\ , stylistic approach\, medium\, or message (or of all of these). At the sa me time\, there is no art without craft. Acknowledging an incontrovertible connection between "dream" and "craft\," we will derive a deeper\, more n uanced understanding of American Art in its many dimensions.The conference boasts an impressive list of speakers including major scholars and celebr ated artists\, and attendees can expect a compelling and wide-ranging seri es of talks\, panels\, and conversations.Don&rsquo\;t miss your chance to contribute to the discussion at the most important annual forum for Americ an Art. Register your interest in finding out more and / or attending the Conference in May.The 2025 Conference is made possible by Leadership Fundi ng from O&rsquo\;Brien Art Foundation and Anchor Sponsorship from Heritage Auctions. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250511 DTSTAMP:20250313T052627Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250507 LOCATION:New York\,United States\,New York\,Heritage Auctions New York\, 44 5 Park Ave SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:29th American Art Conference: Crafting the Dream UID:RFCALITEM638774403877207155 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Since 1996\, Initiatives in Art and Culture's American Art Conference has been a t the forefront of critical inquiry in the field\, pushing the boundaries of accepted thinking and spotlighting pioneering perspectives on American Art.
In our 29th American Art Conference\, Crafting th e Dream\, we examine American Art through the twin lenses of "dream" and " craft." All art\, it can be argued\, begins with a dream\, whether of subj ect\, stylistic approach\, medium\, or message (or of all of these). At th e same time\, there is no art without craft. Acknowledging an incontrovert ible connection between "dream" and "craft\," we will derive a deeper\, mo re nuanced understanding of American Art in its many dimensions.
The conference boasts an impressive list of speakers including major scholars and celebrated artists\, and attendees can expect a compell ing and wide-ranging series of talks\, panels\, and conversations.< /p>
Don&rsquo\;t miss your chance to contribute to the discussion at the most important annual forum for American Art. in finding out more and / or attending the Conference in May.