BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Be part of the CAA 113th Annual Conference February 12&ndash\;1 5\, 2025\, at the New York Hilton Midtown\, New York City.The CAA Annual C onference is the largest convening of art historians\, artists\, designers \, curators\, and visual art professionals. Each year we offer sessions su bmitted by our members\, committees\, and affiliated societies offering a wide range of content.This year's program boasts over 300 sessions\, works hops\, and events with content representing the breadth of our constituent fields of scholarship\, approaches to pedagogy\, and social justice issue s. As an organization\, CAA emphasizes diversity\, equity\, inclusion\, an d accessibility. Highlighting these sessions and incorporating this work i s of paramount importance to our mission.Most sessions and events will be held on location in New York City only\, while a portion of the program wi ll be hybrid. The Book and Trade Fair will be held in-person and online.Vi sit CAA's website to view the schedule\, hotel information\, and to regist er. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250216 DTSTAMP:20250313T071914Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250212 LOCATION:NY\,United States\,New York\,1335 Avenue of the Americas New York \, NY 10010 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:College Art Association (CAA) 113th Annual Conference UID:RFCALITEM638774471544853558 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Be part of the CAA 113th Annual Conference February 12&ndash\;15\, 2025\, at the New York Hilton Midtown\, New York C ity.
The CAA Annual Conference is the largest convening of art histo rians\, artists\, designers\, curators\, and visual art professionals. Eac h year we offer sessions submitted by our members\, committees\, and affil iated societies offering a wide range of content.
This year's progra m boasts over 300 sessions\, workshops\, and events with content represent ing the breadth of our constituent fields of scholarship\, approaches to p edagogy\, and social justice issues. As an organization\, CAA emphasizes d iversity\, equity\, inclusion\, and accessibility. Highlighting these sess ions and incorporating this work is of paramount importance to our mission .
Most sessions and events will be held on location in New York City only\, while a portion of the program will be hybrid. The Book and Trade Fair will be held in-person and online.
to view the schedule\, hotel information\, and to register.