BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The ACSA Annual Meeting convenes educators\, practitioners\, an d students from around the world to share research and explore the past an d future of architecture\, design\, and allied disciplines. The 113th Annu al Meeting will provide multiple opportunities for scholarly exchange in N ew Orleans March 20-22\, 2025. \;Theme: \;REPAIRArchitectural educ ation is in an age of \;repair. How we meaningfully address the past a nd present harms of the practice\, culture\, and pedagogy of architecture will be crucial to setting urgently needed new directions. In the 2022 iss ue of the \;Journal of Architectural Education\, \;entitled &ldquo \;Pedagogies for a Broken World\,&rdquo\; editors Jay Cephas\, Igor Marjan ović &\; Ana Miljački wrote\, &ldquo\;Indeed\, seeing the world for wha t it is enables recasting our characterization of it from &lsquo\;broken&r squo\; to &lsquo\;unfinished\,&rsquo\; from narratives of progress to tact ics of care.&rdquo\; As opposed to the consumptive practice of throwing aw ay and building anew\, \;repair \;is grounded in an ethical apprec iation for the value inherent in what exists. \;Repair\, as an approac h\, requires an understanding of the root causes of breakage and careful c onsideration of anticipated conditions and future use\, to enable us to mo ve forward.Repair \;also often goes unrecognized. For this Annual Meet ing\, we hope to put these discussions front and center. Situated in the c ity of New Orleans\, 20 years after Hurricane Katrina\, this conference as ks us to reflect on \;repair \;in practice\, \;repair \;in teaching\, and the \;ethics of \;repair \;in engagement\, esp ecially in schools of architecture. How does our discipline shift to addre ss a &ldquo\;broken world&rdquo\; shaped by social inequities\, polarizati on\, misinformation\, ecological degradation\, climate change\, and condit ions of acute devastation due to wars and natural disasters? We invite arc hitects\, landscape architects\, urban designers\, planners\, policy-maker s\, social workers\, health practitioners\, community leaders\, advocates\ , and educators across our allied disciplines to join in a critical examin ation of our collective capacity for \;repair \;through care\, hea ling\, rebuilding\, rewilding\, and other yet unexplored actions in the bu ilt environment.Regular registration is open now at https://www.acsa-arch. org/conference/113th-annual-meeting/registration/. \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250323 DTSTAMP:20250313T133200Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250320 LOCATION:Louisiana\,United States\,New Orleans SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:ACSA 113th Annual Meeting UID:RFCALITEM638774695201876158 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The ACSA Annual Meeting convenes educators\, practitioners\, and students from arou nd the world to share research and explore the past and future of architec ture\, design\, and allied disciplines. The 113th Annual Meeting will prov ide multiple opportunities for scholarly exchange in New Orleans March 20- 22\, 2025. \;

Theme: \;REPA IR

Architectural e ducation is in an age of \;repair. How we meaningfully address the pas t and present harms of the practice\, culture\, and pedagogy of architectu re will be crucial to setting urgently needed new directions. In the 2022 issue of the \;Journal of Architectural Education\, \;ent itled &ldquo\;Pedagogies for a Broken World\,&rdquo\; editors Jay Cephas\, Igor Marjanović &\; Ana Miljački wrote\, &ldquo\;Indeed\, seeing the w orld for what it is enables recasting our characterization of it from &lsq uo\;broken&rsquo\; to &lsquo\;unfinished\,&rsquo\; from narratives of prog ress to tactics of care.&rdquo\; As opposed to the consumptive practice of throwing away and building anew\, \;repair \;is grounded in an et hical appreciation for the value inherent in what exists. \;Repair\, a s an approach\, requires an understanding of the root causes of breakage a nd careful consideration of anticipated conditions and future use\, to ena ble us to move forward.

Repair \;also often goes unrecognized. F or this Annual Meeting\, we hope to put these discussions front and center . Situated in the city of New Orleans\, 20 years after Hurricane Katrina\, this conference asks us to reflect on \;repair \;in practice< /em>\, \;repair \;in teaching\, and the \;ethics of \;repair \;in engagement\, especially in schools of archit ecture. How does our discipline shift to address a &ldquo\;broken world&rd quo\; shaped by social inequities\, polarization\, misinformation\, ecolog ical degradation\, climate change\, and conditions of acute devastation du e to wars and natural disasters? We invite architects\, landscape architec ts\, urban designers\, planners\, policy-makers\, social workers\, health practitioners\, community leaders\, advocates\, and educators across our a llied disciplines to join in a critical examination of our collective capa city for \;repair \;through care\, healing\, rebuilding\, rewildin g\, and other yet unexplored actions in the built environment.

Regul ar registration is open now at . \;