BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Carleton University &\; Library and Archives CanadaOttawa\, OntarioMay 27&ndash\;30\, 2025RegisterFor its 50th Annual Conference\, the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada will return to the place it began in 1974: Ottawa. The conference will be held from \;May 27th to 30th\, 2025\, hosted by Carleton University and Library and Archives Ca nada. The national capital is particularly well suited to celebrate this m ilestone in the Society&rsquo\;s history. Situated on the traditional\, un ceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin people\, Ottawa lies at the cr ossroads of the two original colonies that formed the United Province of C anada (established 1841)\, and was designated as the capital in 1857. Otta wa\, the Outaouais and the surrounding region remain a vibrant\, diverse a nd dynamic blend of peoples and places.The SSAC supports inclusive dialogu e and encourages perspectives illuminating the influence and experience of gender- and sexually diverse\, BIPOC\, and disabled communities. \;If you have any questions\, please contact the organizing committee at \ ; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250531 DTSTAMP:20250313T125758Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250527 LOCATION:Canada\,Ottowa SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada 2025 Conference UID:RFCALITEM638774674783364968 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Carleton University &\; Library and Archives Canada
Ottawa\, Ontario
< strong>May 27&ndash\;30\, 2025

Fo r its 50th Annual Conference\, the Society for the Study of Architecture i n Canada will return to the place it began in 1974: Ottawa. The conference will be held from \;May 27th to 30th\, 2025\, hosted by Carleton University and Library and Archives Canada. The national capital is particularly well suited to celebrate this milestone in the Society&rsq uo\;s history. Situated on the traditional\, unceded territory of the Anis hinabe Algonquin people\, Ottawa lies at the crossroads of the two origina l colonies that formed the United Province of Canada (established 1841)\, and was designated as the capital in 1857. Ottawa\, the Outaouais and the surrounding region remain a vibrant\, diverse and dynamic blend of peoples and places.

The SSAC supports inclusive dialogue and encourag es perspectives illuminating the influence and experience of gender- and s exually diverse\, BIPOC\, and disabled communities. \;

If you have any questions\, please contact the organizing committee at \;