BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The objective of the \;ARQUITECTONICS \;network is to f acilitate the interrelation between professors\, researchers\, master's an d doctoral students\, who study the relationships between \;Mind\,&nbs p\;Land \;and \;Society \;in the field\n of architecture an d urban planning.Call for Papers in SpanishCall for Papers in EnglishConfe rence Theme: \; The Future of Arts Teaching in a Digitalized Environme nt: Art\, Design\, and Architecture. \;The global situation is driving many changes in the teaching of art that affect many \;\n professions . Consequently\, the relationships between the areas of teaching the \ ;arts\, teaching design and teaching architecture have entered into an acc elerated \;\n process of review. \, because of three challenges common to the three areas: the \;challenge of climate change\, the challenge of coexistence between diverse \;\n historical or cultural identities and the necessary critical dialogue between brains \;and machines.&nb sp\;These new relationships between areas of art teaching no longer allow them to be \;\n considered as closed boxes totally independent of each other\, neither from a \;pedagogical\, historical\, nor cultural poin t of view. It is clear that it is the same brain \;\n that is able to learn art\, design and architecture\, it is the same history of the \; material culture that should interrelate art\, design and architecture and \, finally \;\n they are the same buildings and cities that should sup ot simultaneously a feelings \;and human thinking. \;And this must not only be done because of the common front in the face of \;possibl e dangers generated by the advances of artificial intelligence\, but for m uch \;\n more fundamental human and educational reasons\, such as the necessary critical\nunity between art\, science and politics in the future of The humanity. Without this \;critical unity\, survival in the face of the three aforementioned challenges will not \;\n be possible. Sin ce its founding\, now almost fifty years ago\, the GIRAS-UPC \;researc h group has always defended this need for critical dialogue. \;\n Subm issions:Online and in-person\, 15-minute presentations will be scheduled a ccording to program \;\n and track sessions\, included in the full cal l linked above. Abstracts and papers will be uploaded in Open Access\, web site \; and a selection of full papers will be p ublished in the \;\n newsletter journal Arquitectonics: Mind\, Land &a mp\; Society.\n Abstracts restricted to 250-500 words.1. The title cannot exceed 65 characters (with spaces).2. Two abstracts per conference by auth or or co-author may be submitted. \;Abstracts should be submitted to: \;Abstract Submission &ndash\; March 3 1st\, 2025Notification of Acceptance \;&ndash\; April 15th\, 2025Final Full Paper Submission In Word Deadline \;&ndash\; October 31st\, 2025 (Limited to 10 pagesDIN A 4) DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250401 DTSTAMP:20250313T060734Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250225 LOCATION:Spain\,Barcelona\,School of Architecture (ETSAB)\, Technical Unive rsity of Catalonia (UPC) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers - 23rd International Conference Arquitectonics: Min d\, Land and Society UID:RFCALITEM638774428548668808 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The objective of the \;ARQUITECTONICS&n bsp\;network is to facilitate the interrelation between professors\, resea rchers\, master's and doctoral students\, who study the relationships betw een \;Mind\, \;Land \;and \;Society \;in the field\n of architecture and urban planning.
Conference Theme: \; strong> The Future of Arts Teaching in a Digitalized Environment: Art\, De sign\, and Architecture. \;
The global situation is driving many changes in the teaching of art that
affect many \;\n professio
ns. Consequently\, the relationships between the areas of teaching the&nbs
p\;arts\, teaching design and
teaching architecture have entered into an accelerated \;\n
These new relationships between areas of art teac hing no longer allow them to be \;\n considered as closed boxes totally independent of each other\, neither from a \;pedagogic al\, historical\, nor cultural point of view. It is clear that it is the s ame brain \;\n that is abl e to learn art\, design and architecture\, it is the same history of the&n bsp\;material culture that sho uld interrelate art\, design and architecture and\, finally \;\ n they are the same buildings and cit ies that should supot simultaneously a feelings \;and human thinking. \;
unity between art\, s
cience and politics in the future of The humanity. Without this \;
Submissio ns:
Online and in-person\, 15-minute presentations will be scheduled according to program  \;\n and track sessions\, included in the full call linked above. Abstracts and papers will be uplo aded in Open Access\, website \; and a selection of full papers will be publis hed in the \;\n newsletter journal Arquitectonics: Mind\, Land &\; Society.\n
2. Two abstracts per conference b y author or co-author may be submitted. \;
Abstracts should be submitted to:
Deadlines: \;
D IN A 4)