BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The Modern Sudan Collective / Docomomo Sudan is delighted to an nounce the upcoming Cinema Conversations Conference\, which will take plac e online on 25 January 2025.Register here.Cinema\, encompassing both film and built structures\, serves as a profound medium for exploring the intri cacies of the built environment\, revealing the multifaceted societal dime nsions of modern architecture. Cinemas themselves have historically functi oned as venues for propaganda and censorship\, as well as spaces for resis tance and alternative narratives challenging power structures. Within film s\, architecture evolves from a mere backdrop to a vital narrative element \, illustrating its role in reflecting power and authority while showcasin g how social conditions shape architectural design and revive historical s tyles. Additionally\, they reflect the influence of technological advancem ents on construction practices and address multiple ecological concerns. B y examining cinemas as both film and physical structures\, audiences can e ngage with architecture in an immersive way\, simultaneously reflecting up on and critiquing broader societal conditions.This event will explore the intersections between cinema and architecture\, examining how these two di sciplines influence and inspire one another.The conference will address th e following themes:History of CinemaCritical Conversations on CinemaCinema as Architecture PedagogyCinema as Visual EssayCinema as a Research Method ologyDesign Projects of Cinema RevivalsArchitecture/Space in CinemaArchite cts Curating CinemaThe day brings together researchers\, architects\, arti sts\, and curators who have deeply engaged with these issues\, with a focu s on lesser-discussed geographies. We will listen to case studies that hav e been shaped by multiple factors\, highlighting wider societal conditions or that provide insights into practical revival projects of cinemas.  \;For more information about this event\, please email \;info@modern-s Modern Sudan Collective / Docomomo Sudan is committed to docu menting histories through architecture\, making our research publicly acce ssible via our website and social media platforms. For more information\, please visit \; \;or follow us on Instagram at  \;@docomomosdn. \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250126 DTSTAMP:20250313T113808Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250125 LOCATION:Sudan\,Online conference SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Docomomo Sudan: Cinema Conservation Conference UID:RFCALITEM638774626882360394 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Modern Sudan Collective / Docomomo Suda n is delighted to announce the upcoming Cinema Conversations Confe rence\, which will take place online on 25 January 2025.

Cinema\, encompassing both film and b uilt structures\, serves as a profound medium for exploring the intricacie s of the built environment\, revealing the multifaceted societal dimension s of modern architecture. Cinemas themselves have historically functioned as venues for propaganda and censorship\, as well as spaces for resistance and alternative narratives challenging power structures. Within films\, a rchitecture evolves from a mere backdrop to a vital narrative element\, il lustrating its role in reflecting power and authority while showcasing how social conditions shape architectural design and revive historical styles . Additionally\, they reflect the influence of technological advancements on construction practices and address multiple ecological concerns. By exa mining cinemas as both film and physical structures\, audiences can engage with architecture in an immersive way\, simultaneously reflecting upon an d critiquing broader societal conditions.

This event will explore th e intersections between cinema and architecture\, examining how these two disciplines influence and inspire one another.

The conference w ill address the following themes:

The day brings together researche rs\, architects\, artists\, and curators who have deeply engaged with thes e issues\, with a focus on lesser-discussed geographies. We will listen to case studies that have been shaped by multiple factors\, highlighting wid er societal conditions or that provide insights into practical revival pro jects of cinemas. \;For more information about this event\, please ema il \;

The Modern Sudan Co llective / Docomomo Sudan is committed to documenting histories through ar chitecture\, making our research publicly accessible via our website and s ocial media platforms. For more information\, please visit \;< a rel="noopener" target="_new" href=""> \;or follow us on Instagram at \;. \;