PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN
DESCRIPTION:Are you a current graduate student or an early-career professio
nal (within 5 years of completion of a terminal degree)? Consider becoming
a member of the av¸£ÀûÉç Historic Interiors Group (HIG) Emerging Scholars Work
ing Committee. Apply by February 24\, 2025.New members will be expected to
assist with the Annual New Research Symposium\, which will be held in Sep
tember 2025. Members should expect to spend an hour or two per week on com
mittee work&mdash\;especially reviewing and selecting submissions&mdash\;d
uring the late spring and early summer. New members should also plan to as
sist with the Committee&rsquo\;s other events\, to attend regular meetings
\, and to contribute to continued outreach and internal development. There
is an opportunity to serve as liaison to the Executive Committee\, as wel
l\, and represent the committee within the larger Historic Interiors Group
Affiliate group. All current committee members shall be registered member
s of HIG\, an Affiliate Group of av¸£ÀûÉç. There are a variety of membership le
vels available\, as outlined here.To apply to join HIG&rsquo\;s Emerging S
cholars Committee\, submit a CV and a brief Statement of Interest of no mo
re than 500 words by February 24\, 2025 to: Anna Flinchbaugh &ndash\; flin
chba@usc.eduMore details can be found on the Historic Interiors Group blog
. \;
LOCATION:United States
SUMMARY:av¸£ÀûÉç HIG Emerging Scholars Committee – Call for New Members
Are you a current graduate student or an
early-career professional (within 5 years of completion of a terminal deg
ree)? Consider becoming a member of the av¸£ÀûÉç Historic Interiors Group (HIG)
Emerging Scholars Working Committee. Apply by February 24\, 2025.
New members will be expected to assist with the Annual New Resea
rch Symposium\, which will be held in September 2025. Members should expec
t to spend an hour or two per week on committee work&mdash\;especially rev
iewing and selecting submissions&mdash\;during the late spring and early s
ummer. New members should also plan to assist with the Committee&rsquo\;s
other events\, to attend regular meetings\, and to contribute to continued
outreach and internal development. There is an opportunity to serve as li
aison to the Executive Committee\, as well\, and represent the committee w
ithin the larger Historic Interiors Group Affiliate group. All current com
mittee members shall be registered members of HIG\, an Affiliate Group of
av¸£ÀûÉç. There are a variety of membership levels available\, as outlined .
To apply to join HIG&rsquo\;s Emer
ging Scholars Committee\, submit a CV and a brief Statement of Interest of
no more than 500 words by
February 24\, 2025 to: Anna Flinchbaugh &ndash\; flinchba
More details can be found on the .