BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY\, SACRAMENTOUNIVERSITY LIBRARYCall for ApplicationsTsakopoulos Hellenic Collection\, \;Hellenic Research Fellowship Program 2025-2026Thanks to generous ongoing funding\, the unive rsity library is pleased to offer the continuation of the Hellenic Researc h Fellowship Program (HRFP) for a 13th year. The HRFP\, the only residenti al fellowship program west of the Mississippi in Hellenic studies\, provid es opportunities for visiting scholars and writers-in-residence to spend t ime in Sacramento\, CA\, conducting research and crafting their creative w orks using the resources of the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection. The HRFP provides a limited number of fellowships in the form of reimbursement to h elp offset transportation and living expenses incurred in connection with the awards. The fellowship application deadline is April 11\, 2025. No lat e applications will be considered. See below for full program information and application instructions.Consisting of the holdings of the former Sper os Basil Vryonis Center for the Study of Hellenism\, the Tsakopoulos Helle nic Collection\, part of the Donald &\; Beverly Gerth Special Collectio ns and University Archives\, is a research collection of international sig nificance for the campus and Sacramento regional communities\, as well as for scholars around the globe. Currently numbering over 83\,000 volumes an d 500 linear feet of personal papers and institutional archives\, it compr ises a large circulating book collection\, journal holdings\, electronic r esources\, non-print media\, rare books\, archival materials\, art\, and a rtifacts. With its focus on the Hellenic world\, the collection contains m aterials from antiquity to the present across the social sciences and huma nities relating to Greece\, its neighboring countries\, and the surroundin g region. There is a broad representation of languages in the collection\, with a rich assortment of primary source materials. For further informati on about the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection\, visit https://library.csus. edu/tsakopoulos.  \;The application deadline is April 11\, 2025. No la te applications will be considered. \;For the full Hellenic Research F ellowship Program description\, application instructions\, and list of pre vious fellows\, see: ion/hrfp. Questions about the Program can be directed to George I. Paganel is\, Curator\, Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection ( \ ;\n\n\n\n DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250412 DTSTAMP:20250313T011349Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250306 LOCATION:California\,United States SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Applications: 2025-2026 Hellenic Research Fellowship Progr am UID:RFCALITEM638774252295501250 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
l for Applications
Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection\,&n
bsp\;Hellenic Research Fellowship Program 2025-2026
Thanks to g
enerous ongoing funding\, the university library is pleased to offer the c
ontinuation of the Hellenic Research Fellowship Program (HRFP) for a 13th
year. The HRFP\, the only residential fellowship program west of the Missi
ssippi in Hellenic studies\, provides opportunities for visiting scholars
and writers-in-residence to spend time in Sacramento\, CA\, conducting res
earch and crafting their creative works using the resources of the Tsakopo
ulos Hellenic Collection. The HRFP provides a limited number of fellowship
s in the form of reimbursement to help offset transportation and living ex
penses incurred in connection with the awards. The fellowship application
deadline is April 11\, 2025. No late applications will be considered. See
below for full program information and application instructions.
Consisting of the holdings of the former Speros Basil Vryonis Center for
the Study of Hellenism\, the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection\, part of th
e Donald &\; Beverly Gerth Special Collections and University Archives\
, is a research collection of international significance for the campus an
d Sacramento regional communities\, as well as for scholars around the glo
be. Currently numbering over 83\,000 volumes and 500 linear feet of person
al papers and institutional archives\, it comprises a large circulating bo
ok collection\, journal holdings\, electronic resources\, non-print media\
, rare books\, archival materials\, art\, and artifacts. With its focus on
the Hellenic world\, the collection contains materials from antiquity to
the present across the social sciences and humanities relating to Greece\,
its neighboring countries\, and the surrounding region. There is a broad
representation of languages in the collection\, with a rich assortment of
primary source materials. For further information about the Tsakopoulos He
llenic Collection\, visit .  \;
The application deadline is April 11\, 2025. No la
te applications will be considered. \;
For the
full Hellenic Research Fellowship Program description\, application instr
uctions\, and list of previous fellows\, see: . Questions about the Program can be di
rected to George I. Paganelis\, Curator\, Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection