BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Applications are now open for the Victorian Society in America& rsquo\;s summer schools in \;Newport\, Chicago\, and London! The Summe r Schools are open to graduate students\, academics\, museum professionals \, architects\, designers\, and members of the general public. \;Full and partial scholarships are offered for all three programs.The VSA is a n ational non-profit organization dedicated to the historic preservation\, p rotection\, understanding\, education and enjoyment of our nineteenth-cent ury heritage. For over 40 years\, we have offered summer school programs t hat introduce participants to the architecture\, fine art\, decorative art s\, design\, landscapes\, and preservation histories of Newport\, Chicago and London\, revealing how they reflect the full diversity of nineteenth a nd early twentieth-century society. \;More information about the summe r programs and online applications can be found at https://victoriansociet All application materials are due by March 10\, 202 5.Newport \;(May 30-June 8\, 2025) \;Join renowned architectural h istorian Richard Guy Wilson \;in his last year as director \;to ex perience and study four centuries of architecture\, art\, culture\, and la ndscape in the &ldquo\;Queen&rdquo\; of American resorts. Visit iconic sit es including Richard Morris Hunt&rsquo\;s Marble House\, The Breakers\, an d Ochre Court\; Richard Upjohn&rsquo\;s Richard Upjohn&rsquo\;s Kingscote\ , and H.H. Richardson&rsquo\;s Sherman House. Additional highlights includ e McKim\, Mead &\; White&rsquo\;s Isaac Bell House and downtown casino\ , as well as historic gardens\, churches\, and opportunities to view Tiffa ny windows and paintings by leading American artists. Field trips include visits to Providence\, RI and North Easton\, MA. Participants are housed i n Ochre Lodge at Salve Regina University\, designed by local architect Dud ley Newton in 1890. Tuition of $3\,700 includes single occupancy accommoda tion\, instruction\, travel during the program and course materials. More details at \; o \;(June 11-18\, 2025)Explore the roots of American modernism during this six-day program\, including visits to private homes and public buildi ngs\, parks and landscapes\, with access to the era&rsquo\;s most signific ant spaces: the site of the 1893 World&rsquo\;s Columbian Exposition\, H. H. Richardson&rsquo\;s Glessner House\, Adler &\; Sullivan&rsquo\;s Aud itorium Theatre Building\, Burnham &\; Root&rsquo\;s Rookery Building\,  \;the superb decorative arts collection at Crab Tree Farm\, and Ameri ca&rsquo\;s first planned industrial community of Pullman. Tours of Oak Pa rk\, the Gilded Age mansions of Chicago&rsquo\;s Gold Coast\, and the Art Institute are also included\, among other sites. Tuition of $3400 includes single occupancy accommodation\, course materials\, tours and lectures. M ore details at \; ndon \;(June 28 &ndash\; July 13\, 2025)Spend two weeks exploring the history of British architecture\, design\, and interiors from 1837-1914. L ed by Kit Wedd\, along with a distinguished array of expert curators\, aca demics\, and historians\, for a detailed study of public monuments\, priva te venues\, and the history of the built environment and England&rsquo\;s industrial heritage in London\, Liverpool Birmingham and Manchester. The A rts and Crafts Movement is explored in visits to important buildings such as William Morris&rsquo\;s Kelmscott Manor\, Standen\, Rodmarton and Wight wick Manors\, with day trips to Oxford and Surry that include visits to ho uses by Lutyens and Voysey. Tuition of $7\,000 includes 15 nights&rsquo\; hotel accommodation\, course materials\, entrance fees\, breakfast and som e lunches. More details at \; r-school/ \;All applications and attendant materials are due by \; March 10\, 2025. \;Please contact the Summer Schools Administrator wit h any questions at DTEND:20250311T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250313T111431Z DTSTART:20250207T000000Z LOCATION:United States SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Summer programs in 19th century architecture\, design and the fine arts UID:RFCALITEM638774612713640314 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Applications are now open for the Vic
torian Society in America&rsquo\;s summer schools in \;Newport
\, Chicago\, and London! The Summer Schools are open to graduate
students\, academics\, museum professionals\, architects\, designers\, and
members of the general public. \;Full and partial scholarships
are offered for all three programs.
The VSA is a nationa
l non-profit organization dedicated to the historic preservation\, protect
ion\, understanding\, education and enjoyment of our nineteenth-century he
ritage. For over 40 years\, we have offered summer school programs that in
troduce participants to the architecture\, fine art\, decorative arts\, de
sign\, landscapes\, and preservation histories of Newport\, Chicago and Lo
ndon\, revealing how they reflect the full diversity of nineteenth and ear
ly twentieth-century society. \;
Newport \;(Ma
y 30-June 8\, 2025)
 \;Join reno
wned architectural historian Richard Guy Wilson \;in his last year as
director \;to experience and study four centuries of architecture\, ar
t\, culture\, and landscape in the &ldquo\;Queen&rdquo\; of American resor
ts. Visit iconic sites including Richard Morris Hunt&rsquo\;s Marble House
\, The Breakers\, and Ochre Court\; Richard Upjohn&rsquo\;s Richard Upjohn
&rsquo\;s Kingscote\, and H.H. Richardson&rsquo\;s Sherman House. Addition
al highlights include McKim\, Mead &\; White&rsquo\;s Isaac Bell House
and downtown casino\, as well as historic gardens\, churches\, and opportu
nities to view Tiffany windows and paintings by leading American artists.
Field trips include visits to Providence\, RI and North Easton\, MA. Parti
cipants are housed in Ochre Lodge at Salve Regina University\, designed by
local architect Dudley Newton in 1890. Tuition of $3\,700 includes single
occupancy accommodation\, instruction\, travel during the program and cou
rse materials. More details at \;
Chicago \;(June 11-18\, 2025)
Explore the roo
ts of American modernism during this six-day program\, including visits to
private homes and public buildings\, parks and landscapes\, with access t
o the era&rsquo\;s most significant spaces: the site of the 1893 World&rsq
uo\;s Columbian Exposition\, H. H. Richardson&rsquo\;s Glessner House\, Ad
ler &\; Sullivan&rsquo\;s Auditorium Theatre Building\, Burnham &\;
Root&rsquo\;s Rookery Building\, \;the superb decorative arts collecti
on at Crab Tree Farm\, and America&rsquo\;s first planned industrial commu
nity of Pullman. Tours of Oak Park\, the Gilded Age mansions of Chicago&rs
quo\;s Gold Coast\, and the Art Institute are also included\, among other
sites. Tuition of $3400 includes single occupancy accommodation\, course m
aterials\, tours and lectures. More details at \;
n \;(June 28 &ndash\; July 13\, 2025)
Spend two weeks exploring the history of British architectu
re\, design\, and interiors from 1837-1914. Led by Kit Wedd\, along with a
distinguished array of expert curators\, academics\, and historians\, for
a detailed study of public monuments\, private venues\, and the history o
f the built environment and England&rsquo\;s industrial heritage in London
\, Liverpool Birmingham and Manchester. The Arts and Crafts Movement is ex
plored in visits to important buildings such as William Morris&rsquo\;s Ke
lmscott Manor\, Standen\, Rodmarton and Wightwick Manors\, with day trips
to Oxford and Surry that include visits to houses by Lutyens and Voysey. T
uition of $7\,000 includes 15 nights&rsquo\; hotel accommodation\, course
materials\, entrance fees\, breakfast and some lunches. More details at&nb
 \;All applications and attendant materials are
due by \;March 10\, 2025. \;Please
contact the Summer Schools Administrator with any questions at admin@vsasu