BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:This is a virtual program &mdash\; online only. \;February 18\, 6pm ESTIn Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill\, Davida Siwisa James leads readers through four centuries of the storied New York neighborhood where George Washington headquartered in 1776\, Alexander Hamilton built his co untry home\, George Gershwin wrote his first hit\, young Norman Rockwell l earned to draw\, and Ralph Ellison wrote Invisible Man. Her history focuse s on the vibrant people and the beautiful architecture of today's landmark district\, touching on The Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance\, a s well as artists and luminaries who called it home\, such as Thurgood Mar shall\, Duke Ellington\, Mary Lou Williams\, and W.E.B. Du Bois.To registe r for this FREE program\, click on the link above to RSVP. You will be red irected to Ticketstripe where you'll receive the Zoom link upon registerin g. The webinar is limited to 100 attendees\, but will be livestreamed to o ur YouTube channel.Davida Siwisa JamesDavida Siwisa James lived in Morning side Heights as a child and Sugar Hill as a young woman. She has a BA in E nglish from UCLA and attended Penn State Dickinson Law in Carlisle\, Penns ylvania. She has been a university public relations director\, a freelance journalist for the twice Pulitzer Prize&ndash\;winning Virgin Islands Dai ly News\, and has a twenty-year management career in performing arts finan ce and marketing. She has published nonfiction books\, essays\, poems\, a play\, and an award-winning short story\, &ldquo\;The Commute.&rdquo\; She resides in Los Angeles\, CA.\n\n DTEND:20250219T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250314T093933Z DTSTART:20250218T230000Z LOCATION:New York\,United States\,New York\,39 Battery Park SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill UID:RFCALITEM638775419738822033 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is a virtual program &mdash\; onli ne only. \;

February 18\, 6pm EST

In Hamilto n Heights and Sugar Hill\, Davida Siwisa James leads readers through four centuries of the storied New York neighborhood where George Washington hea dquartered in 1776\, Alexander Hamilton built his country home\, George Ge rshwin wrote his first hit\, young Norman Rockwell learned to draw\, and R alph Ellison wrote Invisible Man. Her history focuses on the vibrant peopl e and the beautiful architecture of today's landmark district\, touching o n The Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance\, as well as artists and luminaries who called it home\, such as Thurgood Marshall\, Duke Ellington \, Mary Lou Williams\, and W.E.B. Du Bois.

To register for this FREE program\, click on the link above to RSVP. You will be redirected to Ticketstripe where you'll receive the Zoom link upon registering. The web inar is limited to 100 attendees\, but will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel.

Davida Siwisa James
Davida Siwi sa James lived in Morningside Heights as a child and Sugar Hill as a young woman. She has a BA in English from UCLA and attended Penn State Dickinso n Law in Carlisle\, Pennsylvania. She has been a university public relatio ns director\, a freelance journalist for the twice Pulitzer Prize&ndash\;w inning Virgin Islands Daily News\, and has a twenty-year management career in performing arts finance and marketing. She has published nonfiction bo oks\, essays\, poems\, a play\, and an award-winning short story\, &ldquo\ ;The Commute.&rdquo\; She resides in Los Angeles\, CA.