BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Converging Paths: Design in the Creative Economy\n4-6 September 2025\norganized by\nAnkara Bilim University\n\nThe call for papers for th e 2025 DHS annual conference is now open! Organised with Ankara Bilim Univ ersity\, the conference embraces historic\, contemporary\, and interdiscip linary perspectives on the subject of ‘Converging Paths: Design in the Cre ative Economy’.\n\nThe conference will provide a comprehensive exploration into the intricate dynamics between design\, the creative industry and us ers or consumers of design\, shedding light on diverse actors and institut ions that have contributed to its evolution.\n\n\n\nWe welcome proposals f or individual papers (20 minutes) as well as for panels of three thematica lly related papers. Panel submissions must include abstracts for all three papers\, along with a concise description of the panel’s theme. We also w elcome submissions in innovative formats\, such as video essays\, that bre ak away from conventional academic presentations.\n\nThe deadline for subm itting abstracts is 8 March 2025. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250309 DTSTAMP:20250314T130219Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250220 LOCATION:Turkey\,Ankara\,70 Cowcross street SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Proposals - Design History Society 2025 Annual Conference on "Converging Paths: Design in the Creative Economy" UID:RFCALITEM638775541394059371 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Convergin g Paths: Design in the Creative Economy


4-6 Septem ber 2025
\norganized by
\nAnkara Bilim University

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The call for papers for the 2025 DHS annual con ference is now open! Organised with Ankara Bilim University\, the conferen ce embraces historic\, contemporary\, and interdisciplinary perspectives o n the subject of ‘Converging Paths: Design in the Creative Economy’.
\nThe conference will provide a compr ehensive exploration into the intricate dynamics between design\, the crea tive industry and users or consumers of design\, shedding light on diverse actors and institutions that have contributed to its evolution.\n

We we lcome proposals for individual papers (20 minutes) as well as for panels o f three thematically related papers. Panel submissions must include abstra cts for all three papers\, along with a concise description of the panel’s theme. We also welcome submissions in innovative formats\, such as video essays\, that break away from conventional academic presentations.< /div>\n
\nThe deadline for submitting abstracts is 8 March 2025.