BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The Symposium \;&ldquo\;Re-Studying the Archives: A Histori cal Review of Women&rsquo\;s Contributions to Architecture&rdquo\; in cele bration of Women&rsquo\;s History Month \;marks the commencement of th e annual av Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Program. Held on Tuesda y\, March 4\, 2025\, 5:00 PM&ndash\;7:00 PM (GMT+1) \;at the Architec tural Information Center CIA\, Higher Technical School of Architecture&nbs p\;(ETSA)\, Universitat Politè\;cnica de Valè\;ncia UPV\, Spai n\, it is linked to the 6th International Conference on Architecture and G ender (1973&ndash\;2023). The Symposium aims to recover and showcase the c ontributions of women in architecture\, many of which were featured during the conference. The ICAG2023 Book of Proceedings will be presented by con ference organizers\, followed by three thematic talks. The event promotes critical dialogue\, diversity\, and the recognition of women&rsquo\;s voic es within the architectural and academic communities. Streaming provided b y UPV. Language: Spanish with auto-translated subtitles. \;Organizing and Participating Entities: CUG UPV-GVA\, av Women in Architecture Affili ate Group\, MujerArquitectA\, School of Architecture UPV. Reference: Book of Proceedings ICAG 2023\, \; vGEStore/products/p_6498-1-1.Participants:Eva M. Alvarez Isidro\, PhD Arch itect\, Department of Architectural Projects\, Universitat Politè\;c nica de Valè\;ncia (Spain). Editor of the proceedings book for the 6 th International Congress on Architecture and Gender.Carlos J. Gó\;m ez Alfonso\, PhD Architect\, Department of Architectural Projects\, Univer sitat Politè\;cnica de Valè\;ncia (Spain). Editor of the proce edings book for the 6th International Congress on Architecture and Gender. Marí\;a Soledad Larraí\;n Salinas\, PhD Candidate in Architect ure\, Pontificia Universidad Cató\;lica de Chile. Faculty member at the School of Architecture\, Universidad de Valparaí\;so. Researcher specializing in the intersection of gender and architectural production.M acarena Paz Barrientos\, Faculty and researcher at the University of Chile . Faculty member at the School of Architecture\, Universidad Federico Sant a Marí\;a. Specialist in alternative pedagogies and gender studies i n architecture.Mó\;nica Dí\;az Vera\, PhD Architect\, Universi ty of Chile. Faculty member at the School of Architecture\, UNIAC\, in San tiago\, Chile. Researcher specializing in spatial experiences and urban re presentations from a gender perspective.Logistics:Introduction and General Presentation of the Event. 5:00 PM&ndash\;5:15 PMModerator: Soledad Larra í\;n. Welcome to attendees and contextualization of the event in cel ebration of Women&rsquo\;s History Month.Presentation of the Book of Proce edings 5:15 PM&ndash\;5:40 PM"ICAG 2023 BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS\, UPV Conferen ces Collection" Eva Á\;lvarez and Carlos Gó\;mezTalks 5:40 PM& ndash\;6:10 PM"Gender Disparities in Architectural Production and Publishi ng" Marí\;a Soledad Larraí\;n Salinas"(Un)Learning: Stories fr om Architecture Teaching and Learning to Challenge the Canon" Macarena Paz Barrientos Dí\;az"Representing the Intangible: Feminist Teaching Pr actices at the Violeta Parra Museum" Mó\;nica Dí\;azRoundtable and Q&\;A 6:10 PM&ndash\;6:30 PM Moderator: Soledad Larraí\;nClo sing of the Event 7:00 PM DTEND:20250304T180000Z DTSTAMP:20250313T094927Z DTSTART:20250304T160000Z LOCATION:Spain\,València\,Architectural Information Center CIA\, Higher Tec hnical School of Architecture (ETSA)\, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Symposium “Re-Studying the Archives: A Historical Review of Women’s Contributions to Architecture” UID:RFCALITEM638774561672921353 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The Symposium \;&ldquo\;R e-Studying the Archives: A Historical Review of Women&rsquo\;s Contributio ns to Architecture&rdquo\; in celebration of Women&rsquo\;s History Month \;marks the commencement of the annual av Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Program.
Held on Tuesday\, March 4\, 2025\, 5:00 PM&ndash\;7:00 PM (G
MT+1) \;at the Architectural Information Center CIA\, Hi
gher Technical School of Architecture \;(ETSA)\, Universitat Pol
itè\;cnica de Valè\;ncia UPV\, Spain\, it is linked to the 6th
International Conference on Architecture and Gender (1973&ndash\;2023). T
he Symposium aims to recover and showcase the contributions of women in ar
chitecture\, many of which were featured during the conference. The IC
AG2023 Book of Proceedings will be presented by conference organizers
\, followed by three thematic talks. The event promotes critical dialogue\
, diversity\, and the recognition of women&rsquo\;s voices within the arch
itectural and academic communities.
guage: Spanish with auto-translated subtitles. \;
Reference: <
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