BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Each year the Folger Institute awards research fellowships to c reate a high-powered\, multidisciplinary community of inquiry. This commun ity of researchers may come from different fields\, and their projects may find different kinds of expression. But our researchers share cognate int erests in the history and literature\, art and performance\, philosophy\, religion\, and politics of the early modern world. \;For the 2025-26 f ellowship year\, short-term fellows will have the option to take their fel lowship fully \;onsite\, fully virtual\, or a combination of the two.& nbsp\;Applicants may propose any research schedule that best fits their pr oject&rsquo\;s needs.Short-term fellowships support scholars whose work wo uld benefit from significant primary research for one\, two\, or three mon ths\, with a monthly stipend of $5\,000 per month in residence and $4\,000 per month for virtual. These fellowships are designed to support a concen trated period of full-time work on research projects that draw on the stre ngths of the Folger&rsquo\;s collections and programs.The deadline for sho rt-term fellowship applications is January 15th\, 2025.https://www.folger. edu/research/the-folger-institute/fellowships/apply-for-a-fellowship/short -term-fellowships/ DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250116 DTSTAMP:20250313T065507Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241015 LOCATION:District of Columbia\,United States SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Folger Institute Short-Term Fellowships for 2025-2026 UID:RFCALITEM638774457077681389 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Each year the Folger Institute awards research fellowships to create a high-powered\, multidisciplinary community of inq uiry. This community of researchers may come from different fields\, and t heir projects may find different kinds of expression. But our researchers share cognate interests in the history and literature\, art and performanc e\, philosophy\, religion\, and politics of the early modern world. \;

For the 2025-26 fellowship year\, short-term fellows w ill have the option to take their fellowship fully \;onsite\, fully vi rtual\, or a combination of the two. \;Applicants may propose any research schedule that best fits their project&rsquo\;s needs.
< br />Short-term fellowships support scholars whose work would benefit from significant primary research for one\, two\, or three months\, with a mon thly stipend of $5\,000 per month in residence and $4\,000 per month for v irtual. These fellowships are designed to support a concentrated period of full-time work on research projects that draw on the strengths of the Fol ger&rsquo\;s collections and programs.

The deadline for short-t erm fellowship applications is January 15th\, 2025. olger-institute/fellowships/apply-for-a-fellowship/short-term-fellowships/