BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The Victorian Society's 2025 Winter Lecture Series provides the opportunity to engage with recent\, path-breaking research by leading exp erts which gives a fresh perspective on women&rsquo\;s diverse roles in ni neteenth and early twentieth century architecture as designers\, patrons\, clients\, philanthropists\, and businesswomen\, as well as their emergenc e as professional architects by 1900. In the broad context of Victorian so ciety\, this series considers themes and issues which both facilitated and limited women&rsquo\;s agency and contribution in a male-dominated world\ , most notably\, family\, social and political networks\, widowhood and we alth.The series begins Wednesday\, January 29 with an introduction from Ly nne Walker\, the organiser\, that features Mary Watts. Lectures follow fro m Rosemary Hill\, Professor William Whyte\, Elizabeth Crawford\, James Lom ax\, Laura Fitzmaurice and Anna Rubbo. The series now runs until March 18. Buy all seven lectures for the price of six. Watch live\, or catch up wit h a recording of the talks at a time which suits you.Register via Eventbri te. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250319 DTSTAMP:20250313T232920Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250129 LOCATION:Online lecture series SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Victorian Women in Architecture Lecture Series UID:RFCALITEM638775053601983934 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Victorian Society's 2025 Winter Lecture Series provides the opportunity to engage with recent\, path-breaking res earch by leading experts which gives a fresh perspective on women&rsquo\;s diverse roles in nineteenth and early twentieth century architecture as d esigners\, patrons\, clients\, philanthropists\, and businesswomen\, as we ll as their emergence as professional architects by 1900. In the broad con text of Victorian society\, this series considers themes and issues which both facilitated and limited women&rsquo\;s agency and contribution in a m ale-dominated world\, most notably\, family\, social and political network s\, widowhood and wealth.

The series begins Wednesday\, January 29 w ith an introduction from Lynne Walker\, the organiser\, t hat features Mary Watts. Lectures follow from Rosemary Hill\, Prof essor William Whyte\, Elizabeth Crawford\, James Lomax\, Laura Fitzmaurice and Anna Rubbo. The series now runs until March 18. Buy all seven lectures for the price of six. Watch live\, or catch up with a recording of the talks at a time which suits you.

Registe r via Eventbrite.