BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Applications are now open for the Landscape Research Group's Ca iro Critical Field Study\, taking place 19th &ndash\; 25th September 2025. This immersive\, six-night\, five-day programme offers a rare opportunity to investigate the rich evolution of Cairo&rsquo\;s natural and urban env ironments.The study aims to generate new research insights and foster impa ctful academic contributions to the understanding of Cairo&rsquo\;s dynami c landscapes. Through a series of immersive site visits and engaging discu ssions\, participants will investigate the evolution of Cairo&rsquo\;s lan dscapes\, focusing on the city&rsquo\;s complex situational dynamics. The programme examines how historical and contemporary spatial\, social\, cult ural\, economic\, and environmental shifts have shaped both natural and ur ban environments. From the transformative role of the Nile to the pressure s of rapid urbanisation that challenge ecological\, social\, cultural and economic integrity\, participants will gain critical insights essential fo r reimagining Cairo's sustainable future.Programme Highlights:Thematic exp loration - Examine how the Nile has shaped both Cairo&rsquo\;s natural and cultural heritage\, and the shifting landscape colours of the city across its historical transformations.Site visits &\; activities - Engage in guided visits\, discussions\, and expert-led presentations offering deep i nsights into Cairo&rsquo\;s dynamic landscapes.Collaborative networking - The programme is specially designed to help participants connect with inte rnational and local scholars\, researchers\, and practitioners - fostering new collaborations\, partnerships\, and research outputs.Participation is competitive\, with spaces limited to 25 international and 5 local partici pants. Groups are carefully curated to encourage synergy and facilitate im pactful outputs.Key Details:Dates: \;19th &ndash\; 25th September 2025 Cost: \;£\;400 for international participants (plus £\;240 f or accommodation) | £\;200 for local participantsParticipation: \ ;Competitive\, with spaces limited to \;25 international \;and&nbs p\;5 local \;participants. Groups are carefully curated to encourage c ollaboration\, synergy\, and impactful academic outcomes.Register your int erest today \;to secure your spot &ndash\; early registration is recom mended.DatesRegister your attendance via the \;Google Form \;by Fr iday 21st \;March 2025.If successful\, LRG will contact you with payme nt details by Friday 11th \;April 2025Final payment to be received by LRG by \;Wednesday 23rd \;April 2025.More information &\; to re gister: details: charlotte.mi DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250926 DTSTAMP:20250313T053532Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250919 LOCATION:Egypt\,Cairo SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Join LRG’s Cairo Critical Field Study – Explore Egypt’s Transformin g Landscapes UID:RFCALITEM638774409322440458 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Applications are now open for the Lands cape Research Group's Cairo Critical Field Study\, t aking place 19th &ndash\; 25th September 2025. This immer sive\, six-night\, five-day programme offers a rare opportunity to investi gate the rich evolution of Cairo&rsquo\;s natural and urban environments.< /p>

The study aims to generate new research insights and foster impactfu l academic contributions to the understanding of Cairo&rsquo\;s dynamic la ndscapes. Through a series of immersive site visits and engaging discussio ns\, participants will investigate the evolution of Cairo&rsquo\;s landsca pes\, focusing on the city&rsquo\;s complex situational dynamics. The prog ramme examines how historical and contemporary spatial\, social\, cultural \, economic\, and environmental shifts have shaped both natural and urban environments. From the transformative role of the Nile to the pressures of rapid urbanisation that challenge ecological\, social\, cultural and econ omic integrity\, participants will gain critical insights essential for re imagining Cairo's sustainable future.

Programme Highlights:< /strong>

Participation is competitiv e\, with spaces limited to 25 international and 5 local participants. Grou ps are carefully curated to encourage synergy and facilitate impactful out puts.

Key Details:

Dates< /strong>

Register your attendance vi a the \;& nbsp\;by Friday 21st \;March 2025.

If successful\, LRG will cont act you with payment details by Friday 11th \;April 2025

Final p ayment to be received by LRG by \;Wednesday 23rd \;April 2025.

More information &\; to register:

Contact details: < a href="">charlotte.mitchel