BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) World Cong ress 2025Cologne\, Germany9-13 June\, 2025 \; \;"Performing Carniv al" Ekstasis | Subversion | Metamorphosis The Theatre &\; Architecture Working Group invites proposals from researchers and practitioners \; for our meeting during the 2025 IFTR.C A R N I V A L E S Q U E \;  \; \; S P A T I A L I T I E S : \;siting revelry + resistanceInter secting with the main conference topic of Carnival Ekstasis | Subversion | Metamorphosis\, for our meeting during the 2025 IFTR World Congress\, the Theatre &\; Architecture Working Group will explore what it means to ( re)claim and design spaces for public celebrations\, as well as engage wit h performative actions and unplanned performances of revelry and resistanc e that shape experiences of urban\, suburban and rural environments in way s they were not designed or intended for.The topic "Performing Carnival" r anges from planned festivals to \; the carnival of everyday life\, enc ouraging us to consider the spatial politics of performing carnival on the local and global stage. Current world events serve as a catalyst for reth inking and challenging our perceptions of the carnival of the everyday bet ween architecture\, performance\, land\, and cultures which they embody. H ow do we understand cities and urban environments differently through the carnivalesque? This meeting is an opportunity to consider what it is to cr eate and critique theatre architecture\, performance spaces\, cultural ven ues and the public realm\, both on and offline ? operating between the ima ginary and reality.We invite flash talks and provocations that engage with  \; practices and approaches to the revelry and resistance of carnival and the carnivalesque.Abstracts may address (but are not limited to):Thea tre architecture\, performance space and public assembliespost/de/colonial ismGround\, soil\, habitat\, landscape and territoryBoundaries\, margins a nd edgesPerformance and terrestrial politicsTransitions\, movement and mig rationPrecarity\, vulnerability and performance spaceCritical approaches t o staging the cityPerformative urbanismsUrban scenographiesPlace\, displac ement and emplacementNomadic theatre\, and de- and re-territorializationMa rgins and marginalityIndigenous and place-based ecologies and epistemologi es Performance space and the statePerformance space\, performance design a nd the city \;Theatres and performance spaces as loci of struggle and resistanceMargins and marginalityCultural landscapesHauntingOccupationCont esting dominationSettler atmospheresSite-specificity and site-responsivene ss in theatre and/or architectureTheatre &\; architecture in the anthro pocene/industriocenePerformance as vibrant assemblage of body and architec turePerformance\, sustainability and social justicePlace-making and commun ity engagementTheatre as an ecologically transformative gesture Architectu re and temporality: resilience and transiencePorous and/or ephemeral perfo rmance spacesSpatial performativity and spatial agencyPerformance space\, location and landscapeDeadline for proposalsWe invite proposals and provoc ations that engage with the theme\, and may take the forms of PechaKucha p resentations (20 slides x 20 seconds) or flash talks (8-10 mins). This ali gns with rethinking collaboration formats during WG meetings\, which could include workshops or performative engagements\, depending on the number o f proposals we receive. Please be mindful that resources and time for work shops or performative engagements will be restricted.Abstracts can be subm itted via the IFTR Cambridge Core portal. Please note that you must renew your membership or become a member in order to submit: \; https://www. for the Submission of Abstracts : 15 January 2025.TAWG Flash talks / PechaKucha presentations are to be pr e-circulated by 9 May 2025. \;For further information: www.IFTR2025.c om DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250614 DTSTAMP:20250314T064606Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250609 LOCATION:Germany\,Cologne SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers: IFTR World Congress 2025 "Performing Carnival" - E kstasis\, Subversion\, Metamorphosis UID:RFCALITEM638775315668143446 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) World Congress 2025
Cologne\, Germany
9-13 Jun
e\, 2025 \;
The Theatre &\; Architecture Working Group invites pro
posals from researchers and practitioners \; for our meeting during th
e 2025 IFTR.
C A R N I V A L E S Q U E \; \; \; S
P A T I A L I T I E S : \;siting revelry + resistance
rsecting with the main conference topic of Carnival Ekstasis | Subversion
| Metamorphosis\, for our meeting during the 2025 IFTR World Congress\, th
e Theatre &\; Architecture Working Group will explore what it means to
(re)claim and design spaces for public celebrations\, as well as engage wi
th performative actions and unplanned performances of revelry and resistan
ce that shape experiences of urban\, suburban and rural environments in wa
ys they were not designed or intended for.
The topic "Performi
ng Carnival" ranges from planned festivals to \; the carnival of every
day life\, encouraging us to consider the spatial politics of performing c
arnival on the local and global stage. Current world events serve as a cat
alyst for rethinking and challenging our perceptions of the carnival of th
e everyday between architecture\, performance\, land\, and cultures which
they embody. How do we understand cities and urban environments differentl
y through the carnivalesque? This meeting is an opportunity to consider wh
at it is to create and critique theatre architecture\, performance spaces\
, cultural venues and the public realm\, both on and offline ? operating b
etween the imaginary and reality.
We invite flash talks and pr
ovocations that engage with \; practices and approaches to the revelry
and resistance of carnival and the carnivalesque.
Abstracts m
ay address (but are not limited to):
We invite proposals and provocations that engage with the theme\, an d may take the forms of PechaKucha presentations (20 slides x 20 seconds) or flash talks (8-10 mins). This aligns with rethinking collaboration form ats during WG meetings\, which could include workshops or performative eng agements\, depending on the number of proposals we receive. Please be mind ful that resources and time for workshops or performative engagements will be restricted.
Abstracts can be submitted via the IFTR Cambridge Core portal. Please note that you must renew your membership or become a member in order to su bmit: \;
Deadline for the Submission of Abstracts: 15 January 2025.
TAWG Flash talks / PechaKucha presen tations are to be pre-circulated by 9 May 2025.
Fo r further information: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR