BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition Deep Time Real Time&n bsp\;explores design&rsquo\;s relationship to planetary systems through tw o \;opposing time scales \;&ndash\; \;&lsquo\;deep time&rsquo\ ; and &lsquo\;real-time&rsquo\;. \;25 February - 17 May 2025\, RMIT De sign Hub Gallery\, MelbourneThe exhibition follows the Swayn Gallery of Au stralian Design&rsquo\;s appointment of RMIT Associate Professor Fleur Wat son (School of Architecture and Urban Design) as the Creative Director of the 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition in June of 2024. The 2025 Swayn Legacy Exhibition is a landmark event that showcases the spirit of innovat ion and excellence defining Australian design to inspire\, educate and con nect\, echoing Alastair's ethos of infusing the world with light\, colour and humanity. \;The exhibition \;Deep Time Real Time \;explore s\, how we as global citizens\, continue to struggle with reconciling geol ogical timescales with our everyday lives that\, in turn\, affects our col lective ability to make decisions on regenerative actions for the future. However\, in utilising new technologies\, we can gather\, analyse and visu alise data \;&ndash\; some in real time \;&ndash\; to better under stand environmental conditions that would\, otherwise\, be invisible.  \;Responding to the expansive spaces of Design Hub Gallery\, the exhibitio n features a large-scale installation \;&ndash\; designed by architect s Simulaa \;&ndash\; containing geological and material samples with r esearch works to visualise our relationship to time through material artef acts.Presented alongside the interactive structure are a series of creativ e and research-driven works from renowned designers\, academics and artist s. Their contributions engage with themes of ecology\, energy and technolo gy\, offering critical perspectives on time-based thinking and the urgent need for new collective societal responses to environmental challenges.Dee p Time Real Time \;features creative works and research from Fayen d&r squo\;Evie\, Stuart Geddes and \;Žiga Testen\, Alicia Frankovich\, Emm a Jackson\, Farzin Lotfi-Jam\, Nicholas Mangan and Cameron Allan McKean\, Joel Sherwood Spring and Simulaa.This exhibition is produced by RMIT Desig n Hub Gallery with the support of the Swayn Gallery of Australian Design&n bsp\;for the 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition. \;Supported by RMI T School of Architecture \;and \;Urban Design and \;the \; Victorian Government\, \;with core specimens supplied by the \;Sta te \;Drill Core Library. \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250518 DTSTAMP:20250313T003401Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250225 LOCATION:Australia\,150 Victoria St\, Carlton VIC 3000 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:"Deep Time Real Time" - The 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition UID:RFCALITEM638774228418266905 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition Deep Time Real Time \;explores desig n&rsquo\;s relationship to planetary systems through two \;opposing ti me scales \;&ndash\; \;&lsquo\;deep time&rsquo\; and &lsquo\;real- time&rsquo\;. \;

25 February - 17 May 2025\, RMIT Des ign Hub Gallery\, Melbourne

The exhibition follows the Swayn Galler y of Australian Design&rsquo\;s appointment of RMIT Associate Professor Fl eur Watson (School of Architecture and Urban Design) as the Creative Direc tor of the 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition in June of 2024. The 2025 Swayn Legacy Exhibition is a landmark event that showcases the spirit of innovation and excellence defining Australian design to inspire\, educate and connect\, echoing Alastair's ethos of infusing the world with light\, colour and humanity. \;

The exhibition \;Deep Time Real Time \;explores\, how we as global citizens\, continue to struggl e with reconciling geological timescales with our everyday lives that\, in turn\, affects our collective ability to make decisions on regenerative a ctions for the future. However\, in utilising new technologies\, we can ga ther\, analyse and visualise data \;&ndash\; some in real time \;& ndash\; to better understand environmental conditions that would\, otherwi se\, be invisible. \;

Responding to the expansive spaces of Desi gn Hub Gallery\, the exhibition features a large-scale installation \; &ndash\; designed by architects Simulaa \;&ndash\; containing geologic al and material samples with research works to visualise our relationship to time through material artefacts.

Presented alongside the interact ive structure are a series of creative and research-driven works from reno wned designers\, academics and artists. Their contributions engage with th emes of ecology\, energy and technology\, offering critical perspectives o n time-based thinking and the urgent need for new collective societal resp onses to environmental challenges.

Deep Time Real Time  \;features creative works and research from Fayen d&rsquo\;Evie\, Stuart G eddes and \;Žiga Testen\, Alicia Frankovich\, Emma Jackson\, Farzin Lo tfi-Jam\, Nicholas Mangan and Cameron Allan McKean\, Joel Sherwood Spring and Simulaa.

This exhibition is produced by RMIT Design Hub Gallery with the support of the Swayn Gallery of Australian Design \;for the 2 025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition. \;Supported by RMIT School of Ar chitecture \;and \;Urban Design and \;the \;Victorian Gove rnment\, \;with core specimens supplied by the \;State \;Drill Core Library. \;