BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:'The whole world is a Bauhaus'\, \;curated by Boris Friedew ald and on display now at Museo la Tertulia\, is an international travelli ng exhibition that brings together the different fronts of thought and act ion that marked the methodologies and approaches to art\, creation and eve ryday life of the school. This exhibition was at the Center for Art and Me dia Technology (ZKM)\, in Karlsruhe (Germany)\, and in three Latin America n cities: Buenos Aires (Argentina)\, CDMX (Mexico) and Havana (Cuba).Compo sed of eight thematic axes focused on the period from 1919 to 1933\, it pr oposes a tour through photographs\, works on paper\, documents\, furniture and design objects\, offering a look at the birth\, configuration and dev elopment of this school: "Suspension in Space"\, "Experimentation"\, "Tota l Work of Art"\, "Community"\, "The New Man"\, "Art\, Craftsmanship and Te chnique"\, "Radical Pedagogy" and "Encounters" reveal various aspects of t he institution that radically transformed the way of understanding the lin k between art\, craftsmanship and life. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250401 DTSTAMP:20250313T233109Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241022 LOCATION:Colombia\,Museo la Turtulia\, Colombia Avenue No. 5-105 West Cali – Colombia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: The Whole World is a Bauhaus UID:RFCALITEM638775054690848301 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

'The whole world is a Bauhaus'\, \;curated by Boris Friedewald and on display now at \, is an international travelling exhibition that brin gs together the different fronts of thought and action that marked the met hodologies and approaches to art\, creation and everyday life of the schoo l. This exhibition was at the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM)\, in Karlsruhe (Germany)\, and in three Latin American cities: Buenos Aires (Argentina)\, CDMX (Mexico) and Havana (Cuba).

Composed of ei ght thematic axes focused on the period from 1919 to 1933\, it proposes a tour through photographs\, works on paper\, documents\, furniture and desi gn objects\, offering a look at the birth\, configuration and development of this school: "Suspension in Space"\, "Experimentation"\, "Total Work of Art"\, "Community"\, "The New Man"\, "Art\, Craftsmanship and Technique"\ , "Radical Pedagogy" and "Encounters" reveal various aspects of the instit ution that radically transformed the way of understanding the link between art\, craftsmanship and life.