BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The third edition of the \;Colonial and Post-Colonial Lands capes Congress will take place in Lisbon\, Portugal\, at the Calouste Gulb enkian Foundation\, from 11-13 February 2026. The conference will intersec t the topics of \;Architecture\, Colonialism and Labour.Although a com mon topic in colonial historiography\, the influence of large-scale labour on the production of the built environment &mdash\;including the design\, construction\, and maintenance of infrastructure\, buildings and landscap es&mdash\;has not been fully explored in the context of colonial architect ure. The issue has significant implications not only for the description o f past societies\, but also for understanding and supporting contemporary communities with a colonial past and their relationship to the production of space. Linking architecture and labour in these contexts offers a promi sing avenue for addressing some of the challenges encountered by postcolon ial societies. These include the relationship with "Western" construction technologies and materials\, the scarcity of traditional building systems and their undervalued insights into climate adaptation and sustainable sol utions\, and persistent racial and gender inequalities in public works lab our environments.The congress welcomes contributions from diverse geograph ical\, disciplinary\, and chronological backgrounds to encourage a broad a nd stimulating debate that cuts across the histories of colonial architect ure\, labour and social history\, and construction technology.We invite pr oposals for sessions that include: &ndash\; Title\; &ndash\; Identificatio n of chair(s) with institutional affiliation and email contact(s)\; &ndash \; Abstract (max. 300 words)\; &ndash\; Summary CV of the chair(s). Pre-or ganized session proposals (max. 5 papers) are also welcome.The submission deadline is 28 February 2025. The accepted sessions will be announced on 2 0 March. More information is available on the website: https://www.archlab Please submit any queries to: \;cpclcongress@gmail. com.Calendar:Call for sessions: \;1 January 2025 &ndash\; 28 \;Feb ruary 2025Sessions announcement: \;20 \;March 2025Call for papers:  \;20 \;March 2025 &ndash\; 20 \;May 2025Papers selection noti fication: \;20 June 2025Registration for Chair and speakers: \;20& nbsp\;June 2025 &ndash\; 31 \;July 2025 \;Early Bird Registration deadline: \;31 \;August 2025Late Registration: \;after 1 \ ;September 2025 \;Congress Dates: \;11-13 \;February 2026  \;This meeting is part of the ongoing research project &ldquo\;ArchLabour: Architecture\, Colonialism and Labour. The role and legacy of mass labour in the design\, planning and construction of Public Works in former Afric an territories under Portuguese colonial rule\,&rdquo\; coordinated by Ana Vaz Milheiro [ERC grant 1101096606]\, based at Dinâ\;mia&rsquo\;CET- Iscte\, Lisbon. \; \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250301 DTSTAMP:20250313T233113Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250110 LOCATION:Portugal\,Lisbon SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Sessions: III Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes Congre ss - Architecture\, Colonialism and Labour UID:RFCALITEM638775054738502225 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The third edition of the \;Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes Congress will take place in Lisbon\, Portugal\, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundat ion\, from 11-13 February 2026. The conference will intersect the topics o f \;Architecture\, Colonialism and Labour.

Al though a common topic in colonial historiography\, the influence of large- scale labour on the production of the built environment &mdash\;including the design\, construction\, and maintenance of infrastructure\, buildings and landscapes&mdash\;has not been fully explored in the context of coloni al architecture. The issue has significant implications not only for the d escription of past societies\, but also for understanding and supporting c ontemporary communities with a colonial past and their relationship to the production of space. Linking architecture and labour in these contexts of fers a promising avenue for addressing some of the challenges encountered by postcolonial societies. These include the relationship with "Western" c onstruction technologies and materials\, the scarcity of traditional build ing systems and their undervalued insights into climate adaptation and sus tainable solutions\, and persistent racial and gender inequalities in publ ic works labour environments.

The congress welcom es contributions from diverse geographical\, disciplinary\, and chronologi cal backgrounds to encourage a broad and stimulating debate that cuts acro ss the histories of colonial architecture\, labour and social history\, an d construction technology.

We invite proposals fo r sessions that include: &ndash\; Title\; &n dash\; Identification of chair(s) with institutional affiliation and email contact(s)\; &ndash\; Abstract (max. 300 words)\; &ndash\; Summary CV of the chair(s). Pre-organized session proposals (max. 5 papers) are also wel come.

The submission deadline is 2 8 February 2025. The accepted sessions will be announced on 20 March. More information is available on the website: Please submit any queri es to: \;


Call for ses sions: \;1 January 2025 &ndash\; 28 \;February 2025
Sessions announcement: \;20 \;March 2025
Call for papers: \;20&nbs p\;March 2025 &ndash\; 20 \;May 2025
Papers selection notificatio n: \;20 June 2025
Registration for Chair and speakers: \;20&n bsp\;June 2025 &ndash\; 31 \;July 2025 \;

Early Bird Registration deadline: \;31  \;August 2025

Late Registration: \;after 1 \;September 2025 \;

Congress Dates: \;11-13&nb sp\;February 2026 \;

This meeting is part of the ongoing resea rch project &ldquo\;ArchLabour: Architecture\, Colonialism and Labour. The role and legacy of mass labour in the design\, planning and construction of Public Works in former African territories under Portuguese colonial ru le\,&rdquo\; coordinated by Ana Vaz Milheiro [ERC grant 1101096606]\, base d at Dinâ\;mia&rsquo\;CET-Iscte\, Lisbon. \; \;