BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:As part of The Leverhulme Doctoral Centre for Aural Diversity ( run by Professors Bill Davies\, Sam Gregory\, Alan Williams\, and Katherin e Yates) \;at the University of Salford\, we invite applications to th e interdisciplinary PhD research project titled &ldquo\;Aural Speculative: Futuring Autonomous Soundscapes of the Manchester Ship Canal.&rdquo\; Thi s fully-funded PhD research explores sonic urbanisms and soundscapes as an extended sociotechnical and eco-infrastructural mode of capitalist extrac tion along the MSC strategic logistics corridor. It cuts across design and media studies\, technoscience\, STS\, and philosophy.Supervisors: (For in quiries\, feel free to contact us)Dr Fadi Shayya\; e-mail: \;F.Shayya1 \;(School of Science\, Engineering and Environment)Dr D erek Hales\; e-mail: \; \;(School of Scienc e\, Engineering and Environment)When &\; How to Apply:Applications are due by the end of February 2025\, and the PhD begins in September 2025. Vi sit the \;LAURA website \;for information on eligibility and appli cation procedures.The research proposal sets out to explore sonic urbanism s and soundscapes as an extended sociotechnical (Latour\, 2005\; Simondon\ , 1958/2017) and eco-infrastructural (Bé\;langer\, 2009\; Easterling \, 2016\; Morton\, 2010) mode of capitalist extraction. It examines how gl obal infrastructure and regeneration projects like Ocean Gateway in the No rthwest of England reassemble and spatialise an urban economy of diverse a ural experiences.Using the Manchester Ship Canal (MSC) corridor as its emp irical site\, the proposal develops a design fiction (Hales\, 2013\, 2025) for a speculative logistics scenario where this strategic corridor transf orms into an \;autonomous robotic geography&mdash\;a multi-scalar land scape where autonomous aerial and surface vehicles operate independently. The MSC corridor is viewed not merely as a site of commerce and transporta tion but as an anthropological (Schober &\; Leivestad\, 2022) and commu nicative space (Mattern\, 2023\; Peters\, 2015\; Starosielski\, 2015)\, em bedding material (Hutton\, 2020)\, logistical (Cowen\, 2014\; LeCavalier\, 2016)\, and technological (Nesbit &\; Waldheim\, 2022\; Shayya\, 2021) trajectories within its environment. Through this lens\, the corridor is conceived as a site for futuring sonic design fictions by &ldquo\;terraini ng&rdquo\; (Shayya\, 2021) the prospects and potentialities of aural exper iences in urban plans. This methodology aims to understand and anticipate the impact of extractive soundscapes on surrounding human and non-human po pulations.The inquiry proposes hybrid methods for its research design to f ormulate an epistemology of &ldquo\;aural technics.&rdquo\; Although the s pecific techniques are yet to be determined\, Shayya&rsquo\;s work on &ldq uo\;terraining\,&rdquo\; a process where obstacles become the means of rea lisation and Hales&rsquo\;s prior research on listening in cyborgian geogr aphies (2011)\, noise and sonic fiction (2012)\, noise machines in specula tive design (2015)\, and genetic algorithms and listening to machine noise (2016) provide points of departure.Bé\;langer\, P. (2009). Landscap e as Infrastructure. \;Landscape Journal\, \;28(1)\, 79&ndash\;95. Cowen\, D. (2014). \;The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade. University of Minnesota Press.Easterling\, K. (2016). \ ;Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space. Verso.Hales\, D. (201 3). Design Fictions an Introduction and Provisional Taxonomy. \;Digita l Creativity\, \;24(1)\, 1&ndash\;10.Hutton\, J. (2020). \;Recipro cal Landscapes: Stories of Material Movements. Routledge.Latour\, B. (2005 ). \;Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford University Press.LeCavalier\, J. (2016). \;The Rule of Logisti cs: Walmart and the Architecture of Fulfillment. University of Minnesota P ress.Mattern\, S. (2023\, July 31). Notes\, 2023-07-31. \;Scope of Wor k.\, T. (2010). \;The Ec ological Thought. Harvard University Press.Nesbit\, J. S.\, &\; Waldhei m\, C. (2022). Technical Lands. In \;Technical Lands. JOVIS Verlag Gmb H.Peters\, J. D. (2015). \;The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy o f Elemental Media. The university of Chicago press.Schober\, E.\, &\; L eivestad\, H. H. (2022). Past the Canal: An Anthropology of Maritime Passa ges. \;History and Anthropology\, \;33(2)\, 183&ndash\;187.Shayya\ , F. (2021). \;Politics of Survivability: How Military Technology Scri pts Urban Relations \;[PhD Thesis]. University of Manchester.Simondon\ , G. (2017). \;On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects \;(C. Malaspina &\; J. Rogove\, Trans.\; 1st edition). Univocal Publishing. (Original work published 1958)Starosielski\, N. (2015). \;The Undersea Network. Duke university press. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250301 DTSTAMP:20250313T232915Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250110 LOCATION:United Kingdon\,Manchester SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:PhD Program: Aural Speculative: Futuring Autonomous Soundscapes of the Manchester Ship Canal UID:RFCALITEM638775053550631314 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

As part of The Leverhulme Doctoral Cen tre for Aural Diversity (run by Professors Bill Davies\, Sam Gregory\, Ala n Williams\, and Katherine Yates) \;at the University of Salford\, we invite applications to the interdisciplinary PhD research project titled & ldquo\;Aural Speculative: Futuring Autonomous Soundscapes of the Manch ester Ship Canal.&rdquo\;

This fully-funded PhD research explo res sonic urbanisms and soundscapes as an extended sociotechnical and eco- infrastructural mode of capitalist extraction along the MSC strategic logi stics corridor. It cuts across design and media studies\, technoscience\, STS\, and philosophy.

Supervisors: (For inqui ries\, feel free to contact us)

Dr Fadi Shayya\; e-mail: \; \;(Sch ool of Science\, Engineering and Environment)

Dr Derek Hales\; e-mai l: \;< /a> \;(School of Science\, Engineering and Environment)

When &\; How to Apply:

Applications are du e by the end of February 2025\, and the PhD begins in September 2 025. Visit the \; \;for information on eligibility and application procedures.

The research proposal sets o ut to explore sonic urbanisms and soundscapes as an extended sociotechnica l (Latour\, 2005\; Simondon\, 1958/2017) and eco-infrastructural (Bé \;langer\, 2009\; Easterling\, 2016\; Morton\, 2010) mode of capitalist ex traction. It examines how global infrastructure and regeneration projects like Ocean Gateway in the Northwest of England reassemble and spatialise a n urban economy of diverse aural experiences.

Using the Manche ster Ship Canal (MSC) corridor as its empirical site\, the proposal develo ps a design fiction (Hales\, 2013\, 2025) for a speculative logistics scen ario where this strategic corridor transforms into an \;autonomous robotic geography&mdash\;a multi-scalar landscape where autonomous a erial and surface vehicles operate independently. The MSC corridor is view ed not merely as a site of commerce and transportation but as an anthropol ogical (Schober &\; Leivestad\, 2022) and communicative space (Mattern\ , 2023\; Peters\, 2015\; Starosielski\, 2015)\, embedding material (Hutton \, 2020)\, logistical (Cowen\, 2014\; LeCavalier\, 2016)\, and technologic al (Nesbit &\; Waldheim\, 2022\; Shayya\, 2021) trajectories within its environment. Through this lens\, the corridor is conceived as a site for futuring sonic design fictions by &ldquo\;terraining&rdquo\; (Shayya\, 202 1) the prospects and potentialities of aural experiences in urban plans. T his methodology aims to understand and anticipate the impact of extractive soundscapes on surrounding human and non-human populations.

T he inquiry proposes hybrid methods for its research design to formulate an epistemology of &ldquo\;aural technics.&rdquo\; Although the specific tec hniques are yet to be determined\, Shayya&rsquo\;s work on &ldquo\;terrain ing\,&rdquo\; a process where obstacles become the means of realisation an d Hales&rsquo\;s prior research on listening in cyborgian geographies (201 1)\, noise and sonic fiction (2012)\, noise machines in speculative design (2015)\, and genetic algorithms and listening to machine noise (2016) pro vide points of departure.