BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The IFLA World congress is recognized as the largest annual gat hering for the landscape architecture profession. It offers a unique platf orm for professional development and networking\, bringing together over a thousand participants from around the world. \;Organized by the Frenc h Federation of Landscape Architects (FFP\, Fé\;dé\;ration Fra nç\;aise du Paysage)\, the 61st World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA) will take place in Nantes\, Fr ance\, from September 10-12\, 2025\, under the theme "Guiding Landscapes". This event will take place under the High Patronage of Mr Emmanuel MACRON President of the French Republic \;Attendees will include practitioner s\, researchers\, businesses\, educators\, students\, and journalists\, as well as anyone interested in the impact of landscape architecture on soci ety\, economy\, and culture.This three-day event will showcase inspiring c onferences and presentations\, professional visits\, technical exhibition and social events and excursions\, with a special focus on highlighting th e Nantes region and France. \;Participants will have the opportunity t o explore sustainable and inclusive urban solutions\, drawing inspiration from Nantes' reputation as an open urban laboratory. The city's innovative approaches to creating resilient urban districts\, improving soil health\ , and developing urban biodiversity will serve as practical examples of la ndscape architecture's role in addressing major climate challenges.---The IFLA WORLD 2025 congress in Nantes will take place in the context of globa l climate change\, where adapting and building resilience in cities and te rritories requires profound and systemic transformations.The profession of landscape architects plays a central role in these efforts\, promoting ur ban approaches that prioritize living soils\, biodiversity\, and sustainab le water management. It operates across all scales of metropolitan\, agro- forestral\, industrial or/and natural territories. It helps to anticipate environmental changes through participatory project approaches that make t ransformative dynamics accessible to inhabitants.To support the transforma tion of territories\, landscape architects develop nature-based solutions: to this end\, they leverage all available sources of socio-environmental information\, data systems and others digital tools. Combined with artific ial intelligence\, these tools now complement the survey and representatio n methods already at their disposal for their projects.The IFLA WORLD 2025 congress is an opportunity to share best practices and insights from prac titioners and researchers around the world\, aiming to make the actions of landscape architects and associated professionals even more virtuous and effective.View topics and submission guidelines in the complete call for a bstracts: \; \; \;Key Dates20 Ja nuary 2025: Call for abstracts opens (online submission portal)15 March 20 25\, 23:59 CET: Call for abstracts closes15 April 2025: Author notificatio n15 May 2025: Author registration deadline (Early Bird fee)15 June 2025: S hort paper submission deadline15 June 2025: Video Clip submission deadline July: detailed program is releasedFor any enquiries regarding abstract sub missions\, please contact the scientific secretariat: \;abstract@ifla2 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250316 DTSTAMP:20250313T132158Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250124 LOCATION:France\,Nantes SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers: International Federation of Landscape Architects ( IFLA) World Congress\, "Guiding Landscapes" UID:RFCALITEM638774689184581896 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

is recognized as the largest annual gathering for the landscape architecture profession. It offers a unique pl atform for professional development and networking\, bringing together ove r a thousand participants from around the world.
Organiz ed by the French Federation of Landscape Architects (FFP\, Fé\;d&eac ute\;ration Franç\;aise du Paysage)\, the 61st World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA) will take place in Nantes\, France\, from September 10-12\, 2025\, under the theme "Guidi ng Landscapes".

This event will take place under the High Patronage of Mr Emmanuel MACRON President of the French Republic
A ttendees will include practitioners\, researchers\, businesses\, educators \, students\, and journalists\, as well as anyone interested in the impact of landscape architecture on society\, economy\, and culture.
This t hree-day event will showcase inspiring conferences and presentations\, pro fessional visits\, technical exhibition and social events and excursions\, with a special focus on highlighting the Nantes region and France.
& nbsp\;
Participants will have the opportunity to explore sustainable and inclusive urban solutions\, drawing inspiration from Nantes' reputatio n as an open urban laboratory. The city's innovative approaches to creatin g resilient urban districts\, improving soil health\, and developing urban biodiversity will serve as practical examples of landscape architecture's role in addressing major climate challenges.


The IFLA WORLD 2025 congress in Nantes will take place in the context of global climate change\, where adapting and building resilience in citi es and territories requires profound and systemic transformations.

< span style="background-color:initial\;font-family:inherit\;font-size:inher it\;text-align:inherit\;text-transform:inherit\;word-spacing:normal\;caret -color:auto\;white-space:inherit\;">The profession of landscape architects plays a central role in these efforts\, promoting urban approaches that p rioritize living soils\, biodiversity\, and sustainable water management. It operates across all scales of metropolitan\, agro-forestral\, industria l or/and natural territories. It helps to anticipate environmental changes through participatory project approaches that make transformative dynamic s accessible to inhabitants.

To support the transf ormation of territories\, landscape architects develop nature-based soluti ons: to this end\, they leverage all available sources of socio-environmen tal information\, data systems and others digital tools. Combined with art ificial intelligence\, these tools now complement the survey and represent ation methods already at their disposal for their projects.

The IFLA WORLD 2025 congress is an opportunit y to share best practices and insights from practitioners and researchers around the world\, aiming to make the actions of landscape architects and associated professionals even more virtuous and effective.

View topics and submission guidelines in the complete call for abstr acts: \; \;
Key Da tes

For any enquirie s regarding abstract submissions\, please contact the scientific secretari at: \;