BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Institute of Art History \;of the Academy of Sciences of th e Czech Republic \;invites submissions for the conference \;Archit ecture and the Power of Bureaucracy \;\, which will take place \;o n November 6&ndash\;7\, 2025 \;in Vienna.The application deadline is&n bsp\;April 30\, 2025.Call for Papers:Architecture and the Power of Bureauc racy \;The term "bureaucracy" refers to the organisation of people\, p rocesses\, and to paperwork. \;Bureaucracy is often used as a synonym for inefficiency and disinterest\, as the so-called "fifth \;form of r ule by irresponsible officials who are not at risk" {Mannie 2023). However \, \;bureaucracy can also indicate high efficiency\, control\, and pow er {Blau\, Meyer 1971). With \;the advent of the modern state\, civil servants commissioned {public) architecture and urban \;plans by makin g decisions and setting rules such as regulations\, laws\, and standards.& nbsp\;Although bureaucrats and bureaucracies may aim and perceive their ag enda as neutral\, the \;actual impact and influence can be both constr uctive and destructive. \;Although bureaucracy is an inevitable elemen t in the development of the built environment\, \;it does not represen t a common denominator in the realm of modern architecture. The \;conf erence will explore the material implications of bureaucratic measures\, a rguing that they \;already strongly impacted architectural practice an d urban form in the late nineteenth \;century and modern periods. The objective of this conference is to incorporate bureaucracy \;into the discourse on architectural theory and history as an indispensable element and a \;powerful factor in the process of constructing a building.&nbs p\;Mä\;nnle has already asked the question: "In what way\, to what ext ent does architecture \;require a functioning administration - and whe re is bureaucracy necessary\, or at least \;useful?" (Mä\;nnle 202 3) We want to find answers and trace arguments that show the \;signifi cance of bureaucracy for realising architecture in the long 20th century\, stretching from \;1870 to 2010. \;We aim to ask the following que stions:To what extent did bureaucracy shape the built environment\, and to what extent did it \;challenge it?What was the impact of bureaucracy in different political regimes?How were reform\, normalisation\, standardi sation\, and prefabrication reflected in the \;bureaucratic processes? And to what extent did bureaucracy introduce and require them?How did art istic creativity clash with bureaucracy? \;What relationship did the a rchitects have with the bureaucratic apparatus? Did they merely \;suff er its existence or strive to tame it or use its power to support their ag enda and if so\, was \;it a means to magnify their ideas on architectu re or gain lucrative commissions?Can we indicate bureaucracy as a positive means in architecture?How might the answer to these questions shape a cri tical understanding of bureaucracy in \;architectural historiography?T he conference convenes the Institute of Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austrian \;Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Art History\, Cze ch Academy of Sciences. \;It takes place on 6 and 7 November 2025 in t he Postal Savings Bank Building\, Vienna. \;Proposals should be no lon ger than 300 words and contain the name of the participant\, the \;aff iliation\, contact information\, projected paper title plus a short CV of one page.Proposals should be sent by April 30\, 2025\, to hnidkova@udu.cas .cz. \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250501 DTSTAMP:20250313T133212Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250128 LOCATION:Austria\,Vienna SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers: Architecture and the Power of Bureaucracy UID:RFCALITEM638774695321220034 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Institute of Art History \;of the Acade my of Sciences of the Czech Republic \;invites s ubmissions for the conference \;Architecture and the Power of Bureaucracy< span style=""> \;\, which will take place \;on November 6&ndash\;7\, 2025 \;in Vienna.

The application deadline is \;April 30\, 2025.

Call for Papers:

Architecture and the Power of Bureaucracy \;The t erm "bureaucracy" refers to the organisation of people\, processes\, and t o paperwork. \;Bureaucracy is often used as a synonym for inefficiency and disinterest\, as the so-c alled "fifth \;form of rul e by irresponsible officials who are not at risk" {Mannie 2023). However\,  \;bureaucracy can also in dicate high efficiency\, control\, and power {Blau\, Meyer 1971). With&nbs p\;the advent of the modern st ate\, civil servants commissioned {public) architecture and urban \;plans by making decisions and se tting rules such as regulations\, laws\, and standards. \;

< p>Although bureaucrats and bureaucracies may aim and perceive their agenda as neutral\, the \;actual impact and influence can be both constructive and destructive.&nbs p\;Although bureaucracy is an inevitable element in the development of the built environment\, \;it does not represent a common de nominator in the realm of modern architecture. The \;conference will explore the material implicatio ns of bureaucratic measures\, arguing that they \;already strongly impacted architectural practice a nd urban form in the late nineteenth \;century and modern periods. The objective of this conference is to incorporate bureaucracy \;into the discourse on architectural theory and history as an indispe nsable element and a \;pow erful factor in the process of constructing a building. \;

< p>Mä\;nnle has already asked the question: "In what way\, to wh at extent does architecture \;require a functioning administration - and where is bureaucracy necess ary\, or at least \;useful ?" (Mä\;nnle 2023) We want to find answers and trace arguments that show the \;significance of bureaucracy for realising archi tecture in the long 20th century\, stretching from \;1870 to 2010. \;

We aim to ask the following questions:

The conf erence convenes the Institute of Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austri an \;Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Art History\, Czech Academy of Sciences. \;

It takes place on 6 and 7 November 2025 in the Postal Savings Bank Building\, Vienna. \;Propo sals should be no longer than 300 words and contain the name of the partic ipant\, the \;affiliation\ , contact information\, projected paper title plus a short CV of one page.

Proposals should be sent by April 30\, 2025\, to hnid \;