PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN
DESCRIPTION:The Emamzadeh Yahya shrine complex is simultaneously the sacred
tomb of Emamzadeh Yahya (d. 869&ndash\;70)\, a destination for ziyarat (p
ious visitation)\, an architectural monument of the Ilkhanid period (1256&
ndash\;1353)\, the main community center and cemetery of the Kohneh Gel ne
ighborhood\, a cultural heritage site\, and the source of luster tiles dis
played in around fifty museums worldwide. In this exhibition\, we trace th
e complex&rsquo\;s many looks\, functions\, users\, and stories over seven
hundred years. Through our detailed study of one site\, we also offer a g
eneral exploration of Persian art and Iranian culture from the medieval pe
riod to the present.Project director and curator Keelan Overton invites SA
H members to visit the exhibition's six thematic galleries. Start with an
introduction to the site.The open-access website is an online exhibition\
, exhibition catalog\, and academic edited volume all in one. The website
is mirrored in English and Persian\, meaning it is navigable in both langu
ages. The website includes:Over 70 scholarly contributions by over 40 cont
ributors worldwideContent in three languages (English\, Persian\, and Fren
ch)15 contributions in translation6 galleries15 essays6 films*10 digital i
nteractivesA checklist of 50 physical things and ephemeral experiences*The
project&rsquo\;s films are also presented on our \;YouTube channel\,
in high resolution and with subtitles. \;For further information on ou
r mission\, teams\, and contributors\, please visit the \;About page.T
he website is an independent production of 33 Arches and is hosted by Kham
een: Islamic Art History Online.Contact:Director of the Emamzadeh Yahya Pr
oject (2021&ndash\;25): \;Keelan Overton\, 33arches.overton@gmail.comB
asic posts/news on Instagram: \;eyvexpo2024Photo: Entrance of the Emam
zadeh Yahya complex at Varamin. For the \;sabzeh \;(sprouted green
s) in the wheelbarrow\, see the Checklist\, \;no. 43. Photograph by Ma
ryam Rafeienezhad\, March 2024. Image taken from Exhibition website.
LOCATION:Online Exhibition
SUMMARY:The Emamzadeh Yahya at Varamin: An Online Exhibition of an Iranian
The Emamzadeh Yahya shrine complex is simult aneously the sacred tomb of Emamzadeh Yahya (d. 869&ndash\;70)\, a destina tion for ziyarat (pious visitation)\, an architectural monument of the Ilk hanid period (1256&ndash\;1353)\, the main community center and cemetery o f the Kohneh Gel neighborhood\, a cultural heritage site\, and the source of luster tiles displayed in around fifty museums worldwide. In this exhib ition\, we trace the complex&rsquo\;s many looks\, functions\, users\, and stories over seven hundred years. Through our detailed study of one site\ , we also offer a general exploration of Persian art and Iranian culture f rom the medieval period to the present.
Project director and curator Keelan Overton invites SA H members to visit the exhibition's six thematic galleries. Start with an .
The open-access website is a n online exhibition\, exhibition catalog\, and academic edited volume all in one. The website is mirrored in English and Persian\, meaning it is nav igable in both languages. The website includes:
*The project&rsquo\;s films are also p resented on our \;\, in high resolution an d with subtitles.
For further information on our missi on\, teams\, and contributors\, please visit the \;
The website is an independent production of 33 Arches and is h osted by Khameen: Islamic Art History Online.
Contact:< /p>
Director of the Emamzadeh Yahya Project (2021&ndash\;25): \;Keel an Overton\, 33arches.overton@
Basic posts/news on Instagram: \;
Photo: Entrance of the Emamzadeh Yahya complex a t Varamin. For the \;sabzeh \;(sprouted greens) in the wh eelbarrow\, see the Checklist\, \;. Photograph by Maryam Rafeienezhad\, March 2024. Image taken from Exhibition website.