BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The Sally Boasberg Founder's Fellowship \;The \;Sally B oasberg Founder&rsquo\;s Fellowship \;is \;a paid fellowship. The recipient will work at TCLF&rsquo\;s offices in Washington\, D.C.&rsquo\;s \, Dupont Circle neighborhood and develop proficiency in the research\, do cumentation\, and advocacy of cultural landscapes.Established in 2012\, th e Boasberg Fellowship honors the late Sarah S. (Sally) Boasberg\, a foundi ng member of TCLF&rsquo\;s Board of Directors\, who had a profound appreci ation for the relevance of design and an encyclopedic knowledge of plants. Sally and her husband\, Tersh\, were instrumental in the formation of TCL F\, helping to pen the organization&rsquo\;s Articles of Incorporation in 1997 and remaining active as it evolved. Read more about Sally&rsquo\;s li fe and legacy \;here. \;Open to graduate students and recent alumn i interested in the built environment\, the paid summer fellowship runs fr om six to eight weeks and offers a range of opportunities designed to prov ide a productive and educational experience. The Fellow will work alongsid e TCLF&rsquo\;s president and CEO Charles A. Birnbaum and the rest of the staff on TCLF&rsquo\;s core programming\, including the \;What&rsquo\; s Out There\, \;Landslide\, and \;Pioneers \;programs. The wor k will be an engaging mix of research and content development and will als o offer the opportunity to pursue professional interests. The start date i s somewhat flexible. Housing in Dupont Circle is included. Read more about the fellowship \;here.Required Skills/Background:Excellent writing an d editing skills\;Excellent research skills\, particularly involving histo ric-preservation documents\, academic journals\, and online sources\;A goo d photographic eye\;Photoshop experience\;Experience with or knowledge of landscape architecture and its history\;Student or recent graduate in land scape architecture\, historic preservation\, or a closely related field.Ap plication Details:Submission Materials: A cover letter\, resume\, and brie f writing sample are required\, the latter ideally consisting of two pages or less and concerning a designed landscape or landscape architect. A por tfolio is \;not \;required.Compensation: $25/hour\, full-time. Hou sing in Dupont Circle is included.Deadline to Apply: April 4\, 2025Special Instructions: Send application materials as PDF attachments using the sub ject line &ldquo\;Boasberg Fellowship &ndash\; Your Name&rdquo\; to \; \;*Additionally\, \;indicate in your cover lette r whether you would like to be considered for other 2025 summer fellowship s with TCLF. \; \; \;The \;Danette Gentile Kauffman Cultur al Landscape FellowThe \;Danette Gentile Kauffman Cultural Landscape F ellow is a paid fellowship that takes place at \;HOCKER \;in Dalla s\, TX. \;The recipient will learn valuable skills related to the rese arch\, documentation\, and advocacy of cultural landscapes. \;The Fell ow will work alongside HOCKER Managing Partner Biff Sturgess\, TCLF&rsquo\ ;s president and CEO Charles A. Birnbaum\, and the rest of the staff on TC LF&rsquo\;s core programming\, with a special focus on the \;What&rsqu o\;s Out There \;program in the Dallas Fort Worth area. The work will be an engaging mix of research and content development and will also offer the opportunity to pursue professional interests. The fellowship requires an eight-week commitment through the summer. The start date is somewhat f lexible.Required Skills/Background:Excellent writing and editing skills\;E xcellent research skills\, particularly involving historic-preservation do cuments\, academic journals\, and online sources\;A good photographic eye\ ;Photoshop experience\;Experience with or knowledge of landscape architect ure and its history\;A graduate student (or recent master&rsquo\;s degree recipient) in landscape architecture\, historic preservation\, or a closel y related field.Application Details:Submission Materials: A cover letter\, resume\, and brief writing sample are required\, the latter ideally consi sting of two pages or less and concerning a designed landscape or landscap e architect. A portfolio is \;not \;required.Compensation: $25/hou r\, full-time. Housing is not included.Deadline to Apply: April 4\, 2025Sp ecial Instructions: Send application materials as PDF attachments using th e subject line &ldquo\;Cultural Landscape Fellow &ndash\; Your Name&rdquo\ ; to \; \;*Additionally\, \;indicate in your cover letter whether you would like to be considered for other 2025 summer fellowships with TCLF. \; \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250405 DTSTAMP:20250313T011503Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250228 LOCATION:United States\,Washington D.C. and Dallas SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Summer Fellowships with The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) UID:RFCALITEM638774253038016921 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Sally Boasberg Founder's Fellowship&nb sp\;

The \; \;is \;a paid fellowship. The recipient will work at TCLF&rsquo\;s offices in Washington \, D.C.&rsquo\;s\, Dupont Circle neighborhood and develop proficiency in t he research\, documentation\, and advocacy of cultural landscapes.

E stablished in 2012\, the Boasberg Fellowship honors the late Sarah S. (Sal ly) Boasberg\, a founding member of TCLF&rsquo\;s Board of Directors\, who had a profound appreciation for the relevance of design and an encycloped ic knowledge of plants. Sally and her husband\, Tersh\, were instrumental in the formation of TCLF\, helping to pen the organization&rsquo\;s Articl es of Incorporation in 1997 and remaining active as it evolved. Read more about Sally&rsquo\;s life and legacy \;.&n bsp\;

Open to graduate students and recent alumni interested in the built environment\, the paid summer fellowship runs from six to eight week s and offers a range of opportunities designed to provide a productive and educational experience. The Fellow will work alongside TCLF&rsquo\;s pres ident and CEO Charles A. Birnbaum and the rest of the staff on TCLF&rsquo\ ;s core programming\, including the \;What&rsquo\;s Out There \, \;Landslide\, and \;Pioneers \;programs. The work will be an engaging mix of research and content development and w ill also offer the opportunity to pursue professional interests. The start date is somewhat flexible. Housing in Dupont Circle is included. Read mor e about the fellowship \;.

Required Skills/Background :

Application Details:

Submission Materials: A cover l etter\, resume\, and brief writing sample are required\, the latter ideall y consisting of two pages or less and concerning a designed landscape or l andscape architect. A portfolio is \;not \;required.

Compensation: $25/hour\, full-time. Hous ing in Dupont Circle is included.

Deadline to Apply: April 4\, 2025

Special Instructions: Send application mater ials as PDF attachments using the subject line &ldquo\;Boasberg Fellowship &ndash\; Your Name&rdquo\; to \;gra \;*Additionally\, \;indicate i n your cover letter whether you would like to be considered for other 2025 summer fellowships with TCLF. \; \;


The  \;Danette Gentile Kauffman Cultural Landscape Fellow

The \;Dane tte Gentile Kauffman Cultural Landscape Fellow is a paid fellowship that t akes place at \; \;i n Dallas\, TX. \;The recipient will learn valuable skills related to t he research\, documentation\, and advocacy of cultural landscapes.  \;The Fellow will work alongside HOCKER Managing Partner Bif f Sturgess\, TCLF&rsquo\;s president and CEO Charles A. Birnbaum\, and the rest of the staff on TCLF&rsquo\;s core programming\, with a special focu s on the \; \;program in the Dallas Fort Worth are a. The work will be an engaging mix of research and content development an d will also offer the opportunity to pursue professional interests. The fe llowship requires an eight-week commitment through the summer. The start d ate is somewhat flexible.

Required Skills/Background:

Application D etails:

Submissio n Materials: A cover letter\, resume\, and brief writing sample are required\, the latter ideally consisting of two pages or less and concern ing a designed landscape or landscape architect. A portfolio is \;not \;re quired.

Compensation: $25/hour\, full-time. Housing is not included.

Deadline to Apply: April 4\, 2025

Special Instructions: Send a pplication materials as PDF attachments using the subject line &ldquo\;Cul tural Landscape Fellow &ndash\; Your Name&rdquo\; to \; \;*Additionally\, \;indicate in your cover letter whether you would like to be con sidered for other 2025 summer fellowships with TCLF. \; \;