BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The deadline for the proposals' submissions for the \;CFP&n bsp\;titled \;"Ricardo Bofill Abroad: The International Projection of the Taller de Arquitectura" (HPA issue no. 15) \;has been extended unt il \;February\, 28. The issue will be edited by Antonio Pizza\, Marta Garcí\;a Carbonero\, Marisa Garcí\;a Vergara and Julio Garnica .The Call for Papers is promoted by the research project RETRANSLATES01. R eflections\, from Europe\, on architecture in Spain: urban projects\, publ ic facilities\, design and interventions in heritage (1976-2006)\, PID2022 -138760NB-C21 funded by MCIN /AEI/10.13039/501100011033 DOI/ FEDER\, EU.Ab outIn the early 1960s\, Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill (1939-2022) desig ned his first works in Barcelona. These works represented a unique synthes is of local architectural tradition and the emerging challenge of various forms of urban utopia\, which was unprecedented in Spain during this perio d.In his first residential buildings\, Ricardo Bofill skilfully introduced a code of \;realism \;that he shared with the rest of his contemp orary Catalan colleagues. However\, dissatisfied with the limitations of a rchitecture and the political\, economic and social reality of the country \, he founded in 1963 the &ldquo\;Taller de Arquitectura&rdquo\; (Architec ture Workshop\; \;RBTA). It was an unorthodox\, multidisciplinary\, in ternational team\, comprised of architects\, engineers\, mathematicians\, sculptors\, painters\, sociologists\, writers\, philosophers\, musicians a nd film-makers. RBTA&rsquo\;s analyse the problem of the contemporary city and the relationship with and between its inhabitants in order to design a new\, alternative architecture for the city.Following Ricardo Bofill&rsq uo\;s passing in 2022\, the aim of issue 15 of HPA is to analyse the inter national trajectory of the Taller de Arquitectura from 1970 to the present day. This will be achieved through a critical\, up-to-date approach. The architectural output of Ricardo Bofill is the subject of a case study that aims to contribute to academic and public debate. Bofill&rsquo\;s work is cross-cutting\, bold\, and polemic\, making him a controversial yet indis pensable figure in the recent history of international architecture.We wou ld also remind here the potential areas of research indicated by the edito rs that can be explored without limitations: \;RBTA beyond Spain: rela tions between Spanish and international works.The reception of the work of RBTA in international mass media.The "French Years" of RBTA: between urba n planning\, political management and relations with power.The internation al networks of members of the Taller's professional team.Read the CFP's fu ll text here: \;Ricardo Bofill Abroad: The International Projection of the Taller de Arquitectura - Call for Papers - HPA 15/2024 | Histories of Postwar ArchitecturePapers should be submitted in English usinghttps://hp guidelines for paper submission are available at are available for any clarification needed. In case\, write to \;redazione.hpa@unibo .it. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250301 DTSTAMP:20250313T233128Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250123 LOCATION:Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Histories of Postwar Architecture Special Issue: Bofill Abroad - Ex tended Deadline UID:RFCALITEM638775054883269756 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The deadline for the proposals' submi ssions for the \;CFP \;titled \;"Ricardo Bofill Abroad: Th e International Projection of the Taller de Arquitectura" (HPA issue no. 1 5) \;has been extended until \;February\, 28 . The issue will be edited by Antonio Pizza\, Marta Garcí\;a Carbone ro\, Marisa Garcí\;a Vergara and Julio Garnica.

The Call for Papers is pr omoted by the research project RETRANSLATES01. Reflections\, from Europe\, on architecture in Spain: urban projects\, public facilities\, design and interventions in heritage (1976-2006)\, PID2022-138760NB-C21 funded by MC IN /AEI/10.13039/501100011033 DOI/ FEDER\, EU.


In the earl y 1960s\, Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill (1939-2022) designed his first works in Barcelona. These works represented a unique synthesis of local ar chitectural tradition and the emerging challenge of various forms of urban utopia\, which was unprecedented in Spain during this period.

In hi s first residential buildings\, Ricardo Bofill skilfully introduced a code of \;realism \;that he shared with the rest of his conte mporary Catalan colleagues. However\, dissatisfied with the limitations of architecture and the political\, economic and social reality of the count ry\, he founded in 1963 the &ldquo\;Taller de Arquitectura&rdquo\; (Archit ecture Workshop\; \;RBTA). It was an unorthodox\, multidisciplinary\, international team\, comprised of architects\, engineers\, mathematicians\ , sculptors\, painters\, sociologists\, writers\, philosophers\, musicians and film-makers. RBTA&rsquo\;s analyse the problem of the contemporary ci ty and the relationship with and between its inhabitants in order to desig n a new\, alternative architecture for the city.

Following Ricardo B ofill&rsquo\;s passing in 2022\, the aim of issue 15 of HPA is to analyse the international trajectory of the Taller de Arquitectura from 1970 to th e present day. This will be achieved through a critical\, up-to-date appro ach. The architectural output of Ricardo Bofill is the subject of a case s tudy that aims to contribute to academic and public debate. Bofill&rsquo\; s work is cross-cutting\, bold\, and polemic\, making him a controversial yet indispensable figure in the recent history of international architectu re.

We would also remind here the potential areas of research indicated by the editors that can be explored without limitat ions:

  1.  \;RBTA beyond Spain: relat ions between Spanish and international works.
  2. The reception of the work of RBTA in international mass media.
  3. The "French Years" of RBTA: between urban planning\, political management and relations with power.
  4. The international networks of m embers of the Taller's professional team.

R ead the CFP's full text here: \;

Papers should be submitted in Eng lish using

The guidelines for paper submission are available at

We are available for any clarification needed. In case\, write to \;