BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:On view through Monday\, February 17\, 2025 at the National Bui lding Museum in Washington D.C. \; \;Amid the Cold War\, urban ren ewal efforts ushered in a &ldquo\;Brutalist&rdquo\; phenomenon that reshap ed the nation&rsquo\;s capital in the mid-20th century. Many high-profile public buildings were designed and constructed with exposed structural ele ments and building materials\, including concrete\, brick\, steel\, and gl ass. They were viewed as cost-effective and efficient\, but many haven&rsq uo\;t aged well\, and public reaction continues to debate their architectu ral significance.Capital Brutalism explores the history\, current state\, and future of seven polarizing buildings and the WMATA Metro system in Was hington\, D.C. The exhibition uses archival documents\, drawings\, constru ction photographs\, architectural models\, and contemporary photographs to provide context and shed light on the buildings&rsquo\; stories. Selected buildings are reimagined by leading architecture firms\, including Studio Gang\, Brooks + Scarpa\, Diller Scofidio + Renfro\, Gensler\, and BLDUS\, along with students from the School \;of Architecture at University o f Nevada\, Las Vegas.The exhibition is co-curated by Dr. Angela Person\, a ssociate professor of architecture at the University of Oklahoma\, and arc hitectural photographer Ty Cole. \;Capital Brutalism is organized in c ollaboration with the Southern Utah Museum of Art <\; /suma/>\;. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250218 DTSTAMP:20250313T233352Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240913 LOCATION:USA\,Washington D.C.\,401 F Street NW SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Capital Brutalism Exhibition UID:RFCALITEM638775056328264912 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
On view through Monday\, February 17\, 20 25 at the National Building Museum in Washington D.C. \;
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Amid the Cold War\, urban renewal efforts ushered in a &ldq uo\;Brutalist&rdquo\; phenomenon that reshaped the nation&rsquo\;s capital in the mid-20th century. Many high-profile public buildings were designed and constructed with exposed structural elements and building materials\, including concrete\, brick\, steel\, and glass. They were viewed as cost- effective and efficient\, but many haven&rsquo\;t aged well\, and public r eaction continues to debate their architectural significance.
Capital Brutalism explores the history\, current s tate\, and future of seven polarizing buildings and the WMATA Metro system in Washington\, D.C. The exhibition uses archival documents\, drawings\, construction photographs\, architectural models\, and contemporary photogr aphs to provide context and shed light on the buildings&rsquo\; stories. S elected buildings are reimagined by leading architecture firms\, including Studio Gang\, Brooks + Scarpa\, Diller Scofidio + Renfro\, Gensler\, and BLDUS\, along with students from the School \;of Architecture at University of Nevada\, Las Vegas.

The exhibition is co-curated by Dr. Angela Perso n\, associate professor of architecture at the University of Oklahoma\, an d architectural photographer Ty Cole.
Capi tal Brutalism is organized in collaboration with the Southern Utah Mu seum of Art <\;>\;.