BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Each year the History of Architecture and Built Environment (HA BE)\nresearch group at the University of Edinburgh welcomes guest speakers and colleagues to\npresent an evening seminar on their research. The even ts are a fantastic\nopportunity to hear some of the world's leading archit ectural historians discuss the latest developments in their own research a nd those in the field more widely. These events are free\nto attend\, and attract an international online audience as well as being\na way for all t hose with an interest in the history\nof the built environment to come tog ether as a community.There are five seminars this semester\, running at ro ughly bi-weekly intervals between the 29 of January up to the 25th of Marc h. For more information on the series\, our speakers for this semester\, a nd details of how to join\, please visit: tural-history-and-theory-seminar-series \;2024/25 Second Semester Seri es:29 January 2025 [**NB Wednesday**] \;| \;Schooling the Mufassal : Provincial Sites and Spatial Politics of Education in Colonial Eastern I ndia \;| \;Professor Tania Sengupta \; (University College Lon don) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17:15GMT&nbs p\;| \;View event >\;11 February 2025 \;| \;Not Writing Abou t James Stirling \;| \;Professor Adam Sharr (University of Newcast le \;| \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17:15GMT  \;| \;View event >\;25 February 2025 \;| \;Excess Under ground: Immersive Interiors and Climate Control Inside Eastern European Ba thing Apartments\, c. 1760-90 \;| \;Dr Olek Musiał (University of Edinburgh) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17:15G MT \;| \;View event >\;11 March 2025 \;| \;Imagining Rac e Through Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia \;| \;Dr Anna Ripatti \;(University of Helsinki) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17:15GMT \;| \;View event >\;25 March 2025 \;| \;The Travail of Nature: An Ecological Reading of Violle t-le-Duc \;| \;Professor Martin Bressani (McGill University\, Mont ré\;al) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17: 15GMT \;| \;View event >\; DTEND:20250325T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250314T065045Z DTSTART:20250129T000000Z LOCATION:United Kingdom\,Edinburgh\,Edinburgh School of Architecture and La ndscape Architecture (ESALA): Elliot Room\, The Maltings\, 20 Chambers Str eet SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Architectural History & Theory Seminar series\, University of Edinb urgh UID:RFCALITEM638775318456420629 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Each year the History of Architecture and B uilt Environment (HABE)\nresearch group at the University of Edinburgh wel comes guest speakers and colleagues to\npresent an evening seminar on thei r research. The events are a fantastic\nopportunity to hear some of the wo rld's leading architectural historians discuss the latest developments in their own research and those in the field more widely. These events are fr ee\nto attend\, and attract an international online audience as well as be ing\na way for all those with an interest in the history\nof the built env ironment to come together as a community.

There are five semina rs this semester\, running at roughly bi-weekly intervals between the 29 o f January up to the 25th of March. For more information on the series\, ou r speakers for this semester\, and details of how to join\, please visit:< br />


2024/25 Second Semester Series :

29 January 2025 [**NB Wednesday**] \;| \;Schooling th e Mufassal: Provincial Sites and Spatial Politics of Education in Colonial Eastern India \;| \;Professor Tania Sengupta \; (Univers ity College London) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;|&nbs p\;17:15GMT \;| \;

11 February 2025 \;| \;N ot Writing About James Stirling \;| \;Professor Adam Sharr (U niversity of Newcastle \;| \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration&nb sp\;| \;17:15GMT \;| \;

25 February 2025 \;| \;Excess Underground: Immersive Interiors and Climate Control Inside Eastern European Bathing Apartments\, c. 1760-90  \;| \;Dr Olek Musiał (University of Edinburgh) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17:15GMT \;| \;

11 Mar ch 2025 \;| \;Imagining Race Through Architecture in Nineteent h-Century Scandinavia \;| \;Dr Anna Ripatti \;(University of Helsinki) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Registration \;| \;17: 15GMT \;| \;

25 March 2025 \;| \;The Travail of Nature: An Ecologica l Reading of Viollet-le-Duc \;| \;Professor Martin Bressani ( McGill University\, Montré\;al) | \;Hybrid &ndash\; Event Regist ration \;| \;17:15GMT \;| \;