BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The purpose of the Elisabeth Walton Potter Research Award progr am is to further awareness and knowledge of the built environment of the P acific Northwest. The Marion Dean Ross Pacific Northwest chapter will prov ide limited funds for focused projects that increase understanding of the region&rsquo\;s\n built environment and produce tangible results that c an be made available for interested scholars and students. The award amoun t is $800.Topics relating to diversity\, equity\, inclusion\, and undertol d stories are especially encouraged to apply.Applications due &ndash\; Apr il 15\, 2025Notification of grant award &ndash\; May 30\, 2025Awarding of grant funds &ndash\; June 15\, 2025APPLICATION PROCESS\n Application revie w criteria include a realistic scope and timeline\, as well as demonstrati on of a strong\, original research question. \;\n To submit an applica tion\, please email the following items to: by Ap ril 15\, 2025.\n Research project proposal\, to be no more than two pages\ , and includes:\n Project Name: A short descriptive title for the p roject.Description: Briefly describe the project\, including the genesis\, purpose\, and need. Explain its contribution to the understanding of arch itecture in the Pacific Northwest. If site specific\, describe the locatio n.Product/Outcome: Describe specific anticipated results of the project in cluding\, if applicable\, quantity\, users\, accessibility\, educational b enefits or other pertinent information. Include information about how av福利社 MDR Chapter support will\n be acknowledged.Time Frame: Stat e anticipated beginning and end dates for the project.Amount Requested: Sp ecify the amount of money being requested as well as the total amount to c omplete the project. If the total is greater than the award amount offered by av福利社 MDR\, indicate how the remainder will be raised\, so that the comp letion\n of the project is assured.Current CV\, highlightin g relevant education and experience DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250416 DTSTAMP:20250313T053630Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250227 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Elisabeth Walton Potter Research Award UID:RFCALITEM638774409904726965 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The purpose of the Elisabeth Walton Po tter Research Award program is to further awareness and knowledge of the b uilt environment of the Pacific Northwest. The Marion Dean Ross Pacific No rthwest chapter will provide limited funds for focused projects that incre ase understanding of the region&rsquo\;s\n built environment and produc e tangible results that can be made available for interested scholars and students. The award amount is $800.

Topics relating to diversity\, equity\, inclusion\, and undertold sto ries are especially encouraged to apply.



Application review criteria include a realistic scope and timelin e\, as well as demonstration of a strong\, original research question.&nbs p\;\n To submit an application \, please email the following items to: by April 15\, 2025.< /span>\n

  1. Research project proposal\, to be no more than two pages\, and includes:\n
  2. Current CV\, highlighting relevant education and experience