BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We are pleased to share with you the Call for Papers for the Tw entieth International Conference on the Arts in Society\, to be hosted by the Center for the Arts in Society\, Carnegie Mellon University\, Pittsbur gh\, PA\, USA\, 28-30 May 2025.The \;Twentieth \;International Con ference on the Arts in Society \;offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of the arts in society. It is a place for critical engagement\, examination\, and experimentation\, developing ideas that co nnect the arts to their contexts in the world &ndash\; on stage\, in studi os and theaters\, in classrooms\, in museums and galleries\, on the street s and in communities. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary\, geographic\, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network\, we are defined by our \;scope and concerns&nb sp\;and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared  \;themes and tensions.Special Focus&ldquo\;The Art of Hospitality&rdquo\; invites explorations of the possibilities and limits of hospitality\, belo nging\, and gathering through human and non-human entities\, mobile and fi xed bodies\, temporary and permanent spaces. The sites\, gestures\, acts\, and relationships of welcoming or gathering contain power dynamics that r eflect financial\, social\, political\, speculative\, or imagined currenci es\, often with burdens and expectations of reciprocity and gratitude. Sit es and gestures of hospitality can be found in life\, work\, art\, archite cture\, design\, theater\, performance\, leisure\, and study: these places and acts invite and even demand critique. &ldquo\;The Art of Hospitality& rdquo\; solicits contributions that interrogate these dynamics.Join us in Pittsburgh\, the Steel City\, whose three rivers have hosted humans in fri endship and conflict for centuries\, and whose ongoing occupation of Indig enous land invites reflections on sovereignty and power.Learn more about t he conference themes and submit a proposal at \;https://artsinsociety. com/2025-conference/call-for-papers \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250301 DTSTAMP:20250313T131903Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250103 LOCATION:Pennsylvania\,United States\,Pittsburgh SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers: "Art of Hospitality" at the 20th International Con ference on the Arts in Society UID:RFCALITEM638774687434572819 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We are pleased to share with you the Call f or Papers for the Twentieth International Conference on the Arts in So ciety\, to be hosted by the Center for the Arts in Society\, Carnegie Mellon University\, Pittsburgh\, PA\, USA\, 28-30 May 2025.

The&nbs p\;Twentieth \;International Conference on the Arts in Society \;offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of th e arts in society. It is a place for critical engagement\, examination\, a nd experimentation\, developing ideas that connect the arts to their conte xts in the world &ndash\; on stage\, in studios and theaters\, in classroo ms\, in museums and galleries\, on the streets and in communities. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across discipl inary\, geographic\, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network\, we a re defined by our \; \;and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared \;.

Special F ocus

&ldquo\;The Art of Hospitality&rdquo\; invites explora tions of the possibilities and limits of hospitality\, belonging\, and gat hering through human and non-human entities\, mobile and fixed bodies\, te mporary and permanent spaces. The sites\, gestures\, acts\, and relationsh ips of welcoming or gathering contain power dynamics that reflect financia l\, social\, political\, speculative\, or imagined currencies\, often with burdens and expectations of reciprocity and gratitude. Sites and gestures of hospitality can be found in life\, work\, art\, architecture\, design\ , theater\, performance\, leisure\, and study: these places and acts invit e and even demand critique. &ldquo\;The Art of Hospitality&rdquo\; solicit s contributions that interrogate these dynamics.

Join us in Pittsbur gh\, the Steel City\, whose three rivers have hosted humans in friendship and conflict for centuries\, and whose ongoing occupation of Indigenous la nd invites reflections on sovereignty and power.

Learn more about th e conference themes and submit a proposal at \; \;