BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION: \;SEQUITUR Issue 11.2Spring 2025 r\nCFP: &ldquo\;A Feast for the Senses&rdquo\;Deadline: January 17\, 2025\ nThe editors of SEQUITUR\, the graduate student journal published by the D epartment of History of Art &\; Architecture at Boston University\, inv ite current and recent MA\, MFA\, and PhD students to submit content on th e theme of &ldquo\;A Feast for the Senses&rdquo\; for our Spring 2025 issu e.\nIn her chapter\, &ldquo\;In the Hand of the Beholder: Isabella d&rsquo \;Este and the Sensual Allure of Sculpture\,&rdquo\; Geraldine A. Johnson expands on Michael Baxandall&rsquo\;s concept of the &ldquo\;period eye&rd quo\; by considering the affective experience of an historically specific viewer who &ldquo\;would have engaged works of art with all the senses\, r ather than by vision alone.&rdquo\; This edition invites submissions that explore the multi-sensory reception of art and architecture which stimulat e the senses of touch\, taste\, smell\, and sound in addition to sight.&nb sp\;\nFrom Bernini&rsquo\;s tactile Rape of Proserpina to Rirkrit Tiravani ja&rsquo\;s dining installations\, artists have always considered how thei r works might engage the viewer&rsquo\;s senses beyond merely the visual. Material culture and decorative arts have historically acted as conduits f or sensory interactions\, especially within interior spaces both secular a nd religious. Scholars of architecture have specifically considered how th e acoustics of the built environment affected and enhanced the beholder&rs quo\;s experience within structures. The study of performances and process ions has offered a rich site of interrogation into historical encounters w ith scent\, perfume\, and incense in ritualistic or celebratory contexts. In this issue\, we aim to gather scholarship that pushes beyond the visual realm to consider how reconstructing multi-sensory and ephemeral encounte rs across media can augment our interpretation of art history. \;  \;\nPossible subjects may include\, but are not limited to: \;Sensory Experience: Affect\; perception\; interaction\; sensuality\; phenomenology \; multi-sensory\; allure\; reception\; surroundings\; engagement\; excess \; overload\; stimuli/stimulus\; corporeality\; embodiment\; physicality\; ambience\, atmosphereSight: Vision/visuality\; the period eye\; optics\; mirrors\; reflections\; dark/light\; intensity\; color\; saturation\; vant age point\; sightlines\; illusion\; trompe l&rsquo\;oeilTouch: Materiality \; tactility\; texture\; haptics\; intimacy\; bodies\; the artist&rsquo\;s hand\; facture \;Taste: Food\; sustenance\; abundance\; silverware\, crockery\; nourishment\; banquet\; indulgence\; communion\; bounty\; cooki ng\; harvest\; cuisine\; recipe\; gastronomy\; savoringSmell: Aroma\; perf ume\; scent\; olfactory\; stench\; stink\; fragrance\; incense\; odor\; es sence\; miasmaSound: Noise\; hearing\; song\; music/musicality\; acoustics \; harmony\; instruments\; voices\; echo\; cacophony\; dissonance\; loud\; resonance\; fanfare\; silence\nSEQUITUR welcomes submissions from graduat e students in the disciplines of art history\, architecture\, archaeology\ , fine arts\, material culture\, visual culture\, literary studies\, queer and gender studies\, disability studies\, memory studies\, and environmen tal studies\, among others. We encourage submissions that take advantage o f the digital format of the journal. \;\nFounded in 2014\, SEQUITUR is an online biannual scholarly journal dedicated to addressing events\, iss ues\, and ideas in art and architectural history. SEQUITUR\, edited by gra duate students at Boston University\, engages with and expands current con versations in the field by promoting the perspectives of graduate students from around the world. It seeks to contribute to existing scholarship by focusing on valuable but often overlooked parts of art and architectural h istory.\nView previous issues of SEQUITUR.\nWe invite full submissions in the following categories. Please submit your material in full for consider ation in the publication:Feature essays (1\,500 words)Content should prese nt original material that falls within the stipulated word limit (1\,500 w ords). Please adhere to the formatting guidelines.Visual and creative essa ys (250 words\, up to 10 works)We invite M.Arch. or M.F.A. students to sho wcase a selection of original work in or reproduced in a digital format. W e welcome various kinds of creative projects that take advantage of the on line format of the journal\, such as works that include sound or video.Sub missions should consist of a 250-word artist statement and up to 10 works in JPEG\, HTML\, or MP4 format. All image submissions must be numbered and captioned and should be of good quality and high resolution.\nWe invite p roposals for the following categories. Please write an abstract of no more than 200 words outlining your intended project:Exhibition reviews (500 wo rds)We are especially interested in exhibitions currently on display or ve ry recently closed. We typically prioritize reviews of exhibitions in the Massachusetts and New England area.Book or exhibition catalog reviews (500 words)We are especially interested in reviews of recently published (1-3 years old) books and catalogs.Interviews (750 words)Please include documen tation of the interviewee&rsquo\;s affirmation that they will participate in an interview with you.Plan to provide either a full written transcript or a recording of the interview (video or audio).Research spotlights (750 words)Short summaries of ongoing research written in a more casual format than a feature essay or formal paper.For research spotlights\, we typicall y\, but not universally\, prioritize doctoral candidates who plan to use t his platform to share ongoing dissertation research or work of a comparabl e scale.\nTo submit:Email all material to sequitur@bu.eduInclude in the em ail:Your proposal or submission\,A recent CV\, \;A brief 50-word bio\, Your contact information in the body of the email: name\, institution and program\, year in program\, and email\,&ldquo\;SEQUITUR Spring 2025&rdquo\ ; and the type of submission/proposal as the subject line.\nAdditional rem inders: \;All submissions and proposals are due January 17\, 2025.Plea se remember to adhere to the formatting guidelines.Text must be in the for m of a Word document\, and images should be sent as .jpeg files. \;Whi le we welcome as many images as possible\, at least ONE must be very high resolution and large format. All other creative media should be sent as we blinks\, HTML\, or MP4 files if submitting video or other multimedia work. Please note that authors are responsible for obtaining all image copyright releases before publication.\nAuthors will be notified of the acceptance of their submission or proposal the week of January 31\, 2025 for publicat ion in May 2025. \;If you have any questions\, please do not hesitate to contact the SEQUITUR editors at DTEND:20250118T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250313T131811Z DTSTART:20241203T000000Z LOCATION:Massachusetts\,United States SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:CALL FOR CONTENT: Sequitur Issue 11.2 "A Feast for the Senses" UID:RFCALITEM638774686919542653 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: \;
SEQUITUR Issue 11.2
Spring 2025
&ldquo\;A Feast for the Senses&rdquo\;
Deadline: January 17\, 2025
The editors of SE
QUITUR\, the graduate student journal published by the Depart
ment of History of Art &\; Architecture at Boston University\, invite c
urrent and recent MA\, MFA\, and PhD students to submit content on the the
me of &ldquo\;A Feast for the Senses&rdquo\; for
our Spring 2025 issue.
In her
chapter\, &ldquo\;In the Hand of the Beholder: Isabella d&rsquo\;Este and
the Sensual Allure of Sculpture\,&rdquo\; Geraldine A. Johnson expands on
Michael Baxandall&rsquo\;s concept of the &ldquo\;period eye&rdquo\; by co
nsidering the affective experience of an historically specific viewer who
&ldquo\;would have engaged works of art with all the senses\, rather than
by vision alone.&rdquo\; This edition invites submissions that explore the
multi-sensory reception of art and architecture which stimulate the sense
s of touch\, taste\, smell\, and sound in addition to sight. \;
br />\n
From Bernini&rsquo\;s tactile
Rape of Proserpina to Rirkrit Tiravanija&rsquo\;s dinin
g installations\, artists have always considered how their works might eng
age the viewer&rsquo\;s senses beyond merely the visual. Material culture
and decorative arts have historically acted as conduits for sensory intera
ctions\, especially within interior spaces both secular and religious. Sch
olars of architecture have specifically considered how the acoustics of th
e built environment affected and enhanced the beholder&rsquo\;s experience
within structures. The study of performances and processions has offered
a rich site of interrogation into historical encounters with scent\, perfu
me\, and incense in ritualistic or celebratory contexts. In this issue\, w
e aim to gather scholarship that pushes beyond the visual realm to conside
r how reconstructing multi-sensory and ephemeral encounters across media c
an augment our interpretation of art history. \; \;\n
Possible subjects may include\, but are not l
imited to: \;
Sensory Experience: Affect\;
perception\; interaction\; sensuality\; phenomenology\; multi-sensory\; al
lure\; reception\; surroundings\; engagement\; excess\; overload\; stimuli
/stimulus\; corporeality\; embodiment\; physicality\; ambience\, atmospher
Sight: Vision/visuality\; the period eye\; o
ptics\; mirrors\; reflections\; dark/light\; intensity\; color\; saturatio
n\; vantage point\; sightlines\; illusion\; trompe l&rsquo\;oeil
Touch: Materiality\; tactility\; texture\; haptics\; in
timacy\; bodies\; the artist&rsquo\;s hand\; facture \;
Taste: Food\; sustenance\; abundance\; silverware\, crockery
\; nourishment\; banquet\; indulgence\; communion\; bounty\; cooking\; har
vest\; cuisine\; recipe\; gastronomy\; savoring
Smell: Aroma\; perfume\; scent\; olfactory\; stench\; stink
\; fragrance\; incense\; odor\; essence\; miasma
Sound: Noise\; hearing\; song\; music/musical
ity\; acoustics\; harmony\; instruments\; voices\; echo\; cacophony\; diss
onance\; loud\; resonance\; fanfare\; silence
SEQUITUR welcomes submissions from g
raduate students in the disciplines of art history\, architecture\, archae
ology\, fine arts\, material culture\, visual culture\, literary studies\,
queer and gender studies\, disability studies\, memory studies\, and envi
ronmental studies\, among others. We encourage submissions that take advan
tage of the digital format of the journal. \;
Founded in 2014\, SEQUITUR is
an online biannual scholarly journal dedicated to addressing events\, iss
ues\, and ideas in art and architectural history. SEQUITUR\, edited by graduate students at Boston University\,\n
We invite full submissions in the following categories. Please submit y
our material in full for consideration in the publication:
eature essays (1\,500 words)
Content should pre
sent original material that falls within the stipulated word limit (1\,500
words). Please adhere to the .
Visual and creative essays (250 words\, up to 10
We invite M.Arch. or M.F.A. students to showcase a se
lection of original work in or reproduced in a digital format. We welcome
various kinds of creative projects that take advantage of the online forma
t of the journal\, such as works that include sound or video.
We invite
proposals for the following categories. Pl
ease write an abstract of no more than 200 words outlining your intended p
Exhibition reviews (500 words)
We are especially interested in exhibitions currently on display or
very recently closed. We typically prioritize reviews of exhibitions in th
e Massachusetts and New England area.
Book or exh
ibition catalog reviews (500 words)
We are espe
cially interested in reviews of recently published (1-3 years old) books a
nd catalogs.
Please include documentation of the interviewee&rsquo\;s aff
irmation that they will participate in an interview with you.
Research spotlights
span> (750 words)
For research spotlights\, we typically\, but not universally\,
prioritize doctoral candidates who plan to use this platform to share ongo
ing dissertation research or work of a comparable scale.
To submit:
il all material to sequitur@
Include in the email:
Your proposa
l or submission\,
A recent CV\, \;
A bri
ef 50-word bio\,
Your contact information in the body of th
e email: name\, institution and program\, year in program\, and email\,
&ldquo\;SEQUITUR Spring 2025&rdquo\; and the type of submissi
on/proposal as the subject line.
Additional reminders: \;
All submi
ssions and proposals are due January 17\, 2025.
ease remember to adhere to the .
Text must be in the form of a Word document\, and images s
hould be sent as .jpeg files. \;
While we welcome as ma
ny images as possible\, at least ONE must be very high resolution and larg
e format. All other creative media should be sent as weblinks\, HTML\, or
MP4 files if submitting video or other multimedia work.
ase note that authors are responsible for obtaining all image copyright re
leases before publication.
Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their submission or pr
oposal the week of January 31\, 2025 for publica
tion in May 2025. \;
If you
have any questions\, please do not hesitate to contact the S
EQUITUR editors at