BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Are you interested in exploring preservation-related careers an d developing professional skills while advancing the sustainable use of ou r nation&rsquo\;s historic resources? Intern with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation\, an independent federal agency in Washington\, D.C. Interns make significant contributions to the ACHP&rsquo\;s work while ga ining valuable experience and insight into the national preservation progr am.The ACHP oversees the historic preservation review process for federal projects and advises the President and Congress on historic preservation. The agency manages a variety of preservation initiatives to address nation al preservation issues\, such as promoting public appreciation of cultural heritage\, reusing historic building stock for housing and other contempo rary needs\, advancing sustainability and resilience\, \;supporting&nb sp\;Indigenous peoples' interests\, and youth engagement.The ACHP is curre ntly accepting applications for 10-week\, full-time\, paid summer internsh ips from undergraduate or graduate students. Internships may be virtual\, on-site\, or hybrid. Interns also may receive academic credit if they meet the requirements of their programs. The deadline to submit applications i s March 14\, 2025. Learn more about ACHP internships and review the detail s about this summer&rsquo\;s projects and how to apply at the bottom of th e page. Applicants will need to submit an online form through the ACHP web site and then email a resume. \; Questions can be addressed to \;i DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250315 DTSTAMP:20250314T130410Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250211 LOCATION:Washington D.C.\, Virtual\, and Hybrid SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:ACHP Summer 2025 Historic Preservation Internships UID:RFCALITEM638775542500310508 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you interested in exploring preservatio n-related careers and developing professional skills while advancing the s ustainable use of our nation&rsquo\;s historic resources? Intern with the and review the details about this summer&rsquo\;s projects and how to apply at the botto m of the page. Applicants will need to submit an online form through the A CHP website and then email a resume. \;

Questions can be addres sed to \;