BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:MATERIA ARQUITECTURA Nº\; 28: PRESIONAR PLAY / PRESS PLAYEd itores invitados / Guest editors: PAREID (Deborah Lopez + Hadin Charbel)De adline: 05/05/2025Info: www.materiaarquitectura.comThe increasing use of i nteractive media in architecture has radically transformed the way we conc eive and experience both the subjects and scales of design. The traditiona l approach of working with isolated\, static objects&mdash\;whether at the scale of a room\, a building\, or a master plan&mdash\;has evolved into a more dynamic framework\, where the relationships between elements can act ively influence each other over time.The integration of video game engines has introduced new ways of being and experiencing&mdash\;through simulati on\, allowing for multiplayer participation in decision-making\, and even expanding perspectives beyond the human to the nonhuman. Similarly\, film\ , augmented and mixed reality\, and virtual environments have opened up ne w possibilities for spatial storytelling\, dynamic interaction\, learning\ , and the dissemination of architectural knowledge. Today\, you can &ldquo \;press play&rdquo\; on architecture.While these tools offer seemingly end less potential\, they are also constrained by their own limitations\, both in terms of hardware and software. The catalogue of pre-designed assets\, for example\, often reinforces homogenised aesthetics\, character represe ntations and predetermined narrative structures. Furthermore\, despite the ir apparent immateriality and fluidity\, digital environments depend on co ntinuous energy consumption and constant connectivity.This issue of \; Materia Arquitectura \;seeks to explore the role of design in digital environments in an era of scarcity and excess\, of placelessness and roote dness\, of human and non-human agency\, through the lens of interactive me dia. It asks: What are the implications of environmental storytelling? Wha t are the limits and possibilities of participatory digital design? How do these environments shape current economic structures? How can emerging te chnologies be used without reinforcing technocratic paradigms? What new pe dagogical models arise from these media? What are the effects of interacti ve media beyond the medium itself? How are heritage and preservation redef ined in virtual environments? Can virtual spaces be considered "legitimate " when the physical disappears? Is the virtual degraded?Materia Arquitectu ra \;invites researchers\, designers and academics to contribute artic les that critically examine the effects\, limitations and promises of thes e media at the intersection of digital immersion\, environmental responsib ility and architectural innovation. Theoretical\, historical and practice- based contributions are welcome that interrogate how interactive media are reconfiguring architectural thinking\, production and experience\, inviti ng reflection on both their transformative potential and their inherent co ntradictions. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250506 DTSTAMP:20250313T233329Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250227 LOCATION:Chile SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers: MATERIA ARQUITECTURA 28: PRESS PLAY UID:RFCALITEM638775056099536126 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The increa sing use of interactive media in architecture has radically transformed th e way we conceive and experience both the subjects and scales of design. T he traditional approach of working with isolated\, static objects&mdash\;w hether at the scale of a room\, a building\, or a master plan&mdash\;has e volved into a more dynamic framework\, where the relationships between ele ments can actively influence each other over time.
The integration of video game engines has introduced new ways of bein g and experiencing&mdash\;through simulation\, allowing for multiplayer pa rticipation in decision-making\, and even expanding perspectives beyond th e human to the nonhuman. Similarly\, film\, augmented and mixed reality\, and virtual environments have opened up new possibilities for spatial stor ytelling\, dynamic interaction\, learning\, and the dissemination of archi tectural knowledge. Today\, you can &ldquo\;press play&rdquo\; on architec ture.
While these tools offer seemingly endles s potential\, they are also constrained by their own limitations\, both in terms of hardware and software. The catalogue of pre-designed assets\, fo r example\, often reinforces homogenised aesthetics\, character representa tions and predetermined narrative structures. Furthermore\, despite their apparent immateriality and fluidity\, digital environments depend on conti nuous energy consumption and constant connectivity.
This issue of \;Materia Arquitectura \;seeks to explore the role of design in digital environments in a n era of scarcity and excess\, of placelessness and rootedness\, of human and non-human agency\, through the lens of interactive media. It asks: Wha t are the implications of environmental storytelling? What are the limits and possibilities of participatory digital design? How do these environmen ts shape current economic structures? How can emerging technologies be use d without reinforcing technocratic paradigms? What new pedagogical models arise from these media? What are the effects of interactive media beyond t he medium itself? How are heritage and preservation redefined in virtual e nvironments? Can virtual spaces be considered "legitimate" when the physic al disappears? Is the virtual degraded?
Materia Arquitect ura \;invites researchers\, designers and academic s to contribute articles that critically examine the effects\, limitations and promises of these media at the intersection of digital immersion\, en vironmental responsibility and architectural innovation. Theoretical\, his torical and practice-based contributions are welcome that interrogate how interactive media are reconfiguring architectural thinking\, production an d experience\, inviting reflection on both their transformative potential and their inherent contradictions.