BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:About the Journal: Launched in 1999\, Idea Journal is an intern ational\, double-blind\, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publi shing scholarly and practice-based research on interiors and interiority. Idea Journal is an open-access publication that produces one journal issue annually. It is a subsidiary of IDEA &ndash\; The Interior Design / Inter ior Architecture Educators Association\, Australia / New Zealand (www.idea Call:Planning is a cornerstone of designing interior spaces\ , yet the complexity of planning to predict and accommodate the future act ions\, behaviours\, and needs of would-be occupants is rarely resolved. In 1978\, Robin Evans showed us that the "moral geography" of the plan had a mercurial relationship with the composition of interior spaces and that t he ordinary\, unassuming\, and unexamined elements of domestic interiors c hange in time to reflect our emergent social values. At the same time\, Ma nfredo Tafuri's analysis of the endless interiors in Piranesi's Il Campo M arzio dell'antica Roma ichnographia engraving showed us that the unprescri bed interpretation of the plan was the only way to surpass the well-intent ioned mistakes of functional and utopian idealism.The 2025 issue of Idea J ournal seeks contributions that explore the history\, theory\, practice\, and futures of unplanned interiors. In opposition to the aesthetic idealis ation of interior compositions in the commercial contexts of department st ores\, lifestyle magazines\, and presentation drawings\, it asks authors t o consider the un-ideal interior. How do interior spaces work in ways that are unplanned\, unforeseen\, and unintended? What do instances of human a ction exceeding the prescriptive ideas of the plan tell us about who we ar e\, our emergent social and moral values\, and where these values are goin g?Authors may wish to explore the possibilities and opportunities of spati al design that occur outside the conventions and limitations of the drawn plan itself. Since refuting functional planning\, there has been an explos ion in artistic\, spatial design drawing methods. How have such new approa ches to drawing\, image production\, and visualisation impacted concepts a nd practices of spatial design? What are the new aesthetics for conceptual ising and constructing interior space beyond illustrated idealism\, and ho w do these drawing methods exceed the strategic foresight of the designer? Other authors may consider unplanned interiors by examining examples of ha phazard\, makeshift\, temporal\, or non-static built environments ? from i nteriors of exhibitions\, installations\, or performances that respond to emergent needs of social expression\, to interiors of necessity that alter and adapt domestic spaces as people migrate\, customs change\, and famili es grow. In the face of housing crises and indefinite temporary accommodat ion\, how does the unplanned occupancy of shared houses\, shelters\, and c risis accommodation speak to the new moral geographies of our times? With rising climate and political uncertainty\, what is the significance of agi lity\, temporality\, or openness to change needed for new approaches to in terior planning?EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) ? DUE 14 March 2025Authors ar e invited to register their interest with an EOI submitted via the Idea Jo urnal submission \;portal by 14 March 2025.Full details for the CFP an d guidelines for submitting an EOI can be found at \;https://journal.i \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250315 DTSTAMP:20250313T232924Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250314 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers: Idea Journal "Unplanned Interiors" UID:RFCALITEM638775053649628173 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

About the Journal:

Launched in 1999\, Idea Journal is an international\, double-blind\, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publishing scholarly and pract ice-based research on interiors and interiority. Idea Journal is an open-a ccess publication that produces one journal issue annually. It is a subsid iary of IDEA &ndash\; The Interior Design / Interior Architecture Educator s Association\, Australia / New Zealand (

The Call:

Planning is a cornerstone of designing int erior spaces\, yet the complexity of planning to predict and accommodate t he future actions\, behaviours\, and needs of would-be occupants is rarely resolved. In 1978\, Robin Evans showed us that the "moral geography" of t he plan had a mercurial relationship with the composition of interior spac es and that the ordinary\, unassuming\, and unexamined elements of domesti c interiors change in time to reflect our emergent social values. At the s ame time\, Manfredo Tafuri's analysis of the endless interiors in Piranesi 's Il Campo Marzio dell'antica Roma ichnographia engraving showed us that the unprescribed interpretation of the plan was the only way to surpass th e well-intentioned mistakes of functional and utopian idealism.

The 2025 issue of Idea Journal seeks contributions that explore the history\, theor y\, practice\, and futures of unplanned interiors. In opposition to the ae sthetic idealisation of interior compositions in the commercial contexts o f department stores\, lifestyle magazines\, and presentation drawings\, it asks authors to consider the un-ideal interior. How do interior spaces wo rk in ways that are unplanned\, unforeseen\, and unintended? What do insta nces of human action exceeding the prescriptive ideas of the plan tell us about who we are\, our emergent social and moral values\, and where these values are going?

Authors may wish to explore the possibilities and opportuni ties of spatial design that occur outside the conventions and limitations of the drawn plan itself. Since refuting functional planning\, there has b een an explosion in artistic\, spatial design drawing methods. How have su ch new approaches to drawing\, image production\, and visualisation impact ed concepts and practices of spatial design? What are the new aesthetics f or conceptualising and constructing interior space beyond illustrated idea lism\, and how do these drawing methods exceed the strategic foresight of the designer?

Other authors may consider unplanned interiors by examining examples of haphazard\, makeshift\, temp oral\, or non-static built environments ? from interiors of exhibitions\, installations\, or performances that respond to emergent needs of social e xpression\, to interiors of necessity that alter and adapt domestic spaces as people migrate\, customs change\, and families grow. In the face of ho using crises and indefinite temporary accommodation\, how does the unplann ed occupancy of shared houses\, shelters\, and crisis accommodation speak to the new moral geographies of our times? With rising climate and politic al uncertainty\, what is the significance of agility\, temporality\, or op enness to change needed for new approaches to interior planning?


Authors are invited to register their interest wit h an EOI submitted via the Idea Journal submission \;portal by 14 March 2025.

Full details for the CFP and guidelines for submitting an EOI can be found at \;