BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The \;Victorian \;Society \;New \;York invites current university students and \;recent \;graduates to submit&nbs p\;proposals \;by March 13 \;for \;its in-person annual "Emerg ing \;Scholars" evening event on May 13\, 2025\, at the Center at West Park on Amsterdam Ave. at 86th Street. The nonprofit \;VSNY \;(vi\, founded in 1966\, supports \;scholarship \;about eve ry aspect of 19th-century and early-20th-century culture\, including archi tecture\, literature\, theater\, \;fine and decorative art\, immigrati on\, \;economics\, politics\, education\, gender roles\, reform moveme nts\, music\, fashion\, \;and food. \;Topics \;for \;recen t \;event winners \;have included Black women activists\, mausolea stained glass\, and department store \;escalators.For \;the May 1 3 event\, 6:30 to 8 pm\, \;VSNY \;will bring in three \;curren t \;students or \;recent \;grads to each give a 20-minute pres entation and then field questions. \;Send 200-word \;proposals&nbs p\;(preference given to American/New \;York \;topics) and CVs by M arch 13 to \; \;Speakers will receive a free&nbs p\;VSNY \;year \;membership \;($40 value). \; DTEND:20250314T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250313T232922Z DTSTART:20250106T000000Z LOCATION:New York\,United States\,New York\,Center at West Park\, West 86th Street and Amsterdam Ave. SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Victorian Society NY Emerging Scholars UID:RFCALITEM638775053625576633 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The \;Victorian \;Society \;New  \;York invites current university students and \;recent \;gra duates to submit \;proposals \;by March 13 \;for \;its in- person annual "Emerging \;Scholars" evening event on May 13\, 2025\, a t the Center at West Park on Amsterdam Ave. at 86th Street.

The non profit \;VSNY \;()\, founded in 1966\, supports \;scholarship \;about every a spect of 19th-century and early-20th-century culture\, including architect ure\, literature\, theater\, \;fine and decorative art\, immigration\,  \;economics\, politics\, education\, gender roles\, reform movements\ , music\, fashion\, \;and food. \;Topics \;for \;recent&nb sp\;event winners \;have included Black women activists\, mausolea sta ined glass\, and department store \;escalators .

For \;the May 13 event\, 6:30 to 8 pm\, \;VSNY \ ;will bring in three \;current \;students or \;recent \;gr ads to each give a 20-minute presentation and then field questions. \; Send 200-word \;proposals \;(preference given to American/New  \;York \;topics) and CVs by March 13 to \; \;Speakers will rece ive a free \;VSNY \;year \;membership \;($40 value).
