BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and the &ldquo\;Transitional Morp hologies&rdquo\; Research Center at DAD (Department of Architecture and De sign) are pleased to host the 32nd edition of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) conference at the historic Castello del Valentino\, fro m June 17th to June 20th\, 2025.The ISUF 2025 conference will critically e xamine how the emergence of artificial intelligence is reshaping the tools we use and our understanding of urban form in the 21st century. While the se advancements offer new possibilities\, questions regarding the form of contemporary cities (viewed through the lens of their historical trajector ies and future potential) remain only partially addressed.We invite schola rs and practitioners to explore how these developments challenge or reinfo rce traditional urban morphology studies. What new paradigms are emerging\ , and how might we navigate the complexities of urban form in our rapidly changing world?TopicsIn the 21st century\, artificial intelligence introdu ces new concepts to urban development\, seamlessly integrating with tradit ional urban morphology to explore emerging paradigms for the future. As ci ties face challenges like rapid urbanization and climate change\, AI offer s innovative solutions to reshape our urban landscapes.&lsquo\;Urban Morph ology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence&rsquo\; will investigate how A I is revolutionizing our approach to urban structures\, covering the follo wing thematic areas:SHAPING THE CITY: Exploring Future Urban FormsMAPPING THE CITY: Evolving Tools to Study Urban FormsENVISIONING THE CITY: Enhanci ng Theoretical Models of Urban FormsAI APPLICATIONS ON URBAN FORMS: City a s a Device (Agents &\; Experiments)Register online. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250621 DTSTAMP:20250313T125857Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250617 LOCATION:Italy\,Torino SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Urban Morphology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: 22nd Confer ence International Seminar on Urban Form UID:RFCALITEM638774675376407959 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and the &ldqu o\;Transitional Morphologies&rdquo\; Research Center at DAD (Department of Architecture and Design) are pleased to host the 32nd edition of the Inte rnational Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) conference at the historic Castello del Valentino\, from June 17th to June 20th\, 2025.

The ISUF 2025 c onference will critically examine how the emergence of artificial intellig ence is reshaping the tools we use and our understanding of urban form in the 21st century. While these advancements offer new possibilities\, quest ions regarding the form of contemporary cities (viewed through the lens of their historical trajectories and future potential) remain only partially addressed.

We invite scholars and practitioners to explore how thes e developments challenge or reinforce traditional urban morphology studies . What new paradigms are emerging\, and how might we navigate the complexi ties of urban form in our rapidly changing world?


In the 21st century\, artificial intelligence introduces new concepts to urba n development\, seamlessly integrating with traditional urban morphology t o explore emerging paradigms for the future. As cities face challenges lik e rapid urbanization and climate change\, AI offers innovative solutions t o reshape our urban landscapes.

&lsquo\;Urban Morphology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence&rsquo\; will investigate how AI is revolutioniz ing our approach to urban structures\, covering the following thematic are as:

  1. SHAPING THE CITY: Exploring Future Urban Forms
  2. MAPP ING THE CITY: Evolving Tools to Study Urban Forms
  3. ENVISIONING THE CITY: Enhancing Theoretical Models of Urban Forms
  4. AI APPLICATIONS ON URBAN FORMS: City as a Device (Agents &\; Experiments)

< a href="" target="_blank">Register onl ine.