BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Deadline: March 15\, 2025The Joan and Eugene Vanderpool Fellows hip at the Athenian Agora supports research on any aspect of the Athenian Agora\, including history\, archaeology\, literature\, epigraphy\, archite cture\, art history\, and biodiversity. The fellowship was established by family and friends of Joan and Eugene Vanderpool to honor their lifelong c ommitment to Greece and the Agora Excavations in particular.Eligibility: P hD holders and graduate students working on any aspect of the Athenian Ago ra from antiquity to the present are eligible. As noted\, the fields of st udy may include\, but are not limited to\, all aspects of the history and material culture of the site. Open to all nationalities.Terms: The School awards at least one fellowship each year. The fellowship includes a stipen d of $5\,000 and a waiver of up to two months of membership fees for the d uration of residency in Athens while working on the proposed project. Cost s of travel\, lodging\, board\, visas\, and incidentals can be paid from t he stipend. Applicants may also include costs for the photographs/photogra phic permission and preparation of illustrations in their budgets. Applica nts should specify and justify the proposed duration of work in Athens and related costs. The award is to be used between July 1\, 2025 and June 30\ , 2026. A final report is due at the end of the award period. The ASCSA ex pects that all publications that result from research conducted as a Fello w of the ASCSA acknowledge the support of the ASCSA and that copies be con tributed to the appropriate library of the School and to the research libr ary of the Agora.Application: Submit an online application form for the ?J oan and Eugene Vanderpool Fellowship.? An application consists of a curric ulum vitae\, description of the proposed project (up to 750 words)\, a tim eline and budget of the proposed project\, and two letters of reference to be submitted online. Student applicants must submit transcripts. Scans of official transcripts are acceptable.Link to online posting: \;https:/ / Vanderpool \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250316 DTSTAMP:20250313T061642Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250220 LOCATION:Greece\,Athens SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Joan and Eugene Vanderpool Fellowship at the Athenian Agora UID:RFCALITEM638774434022059220 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: