BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Free and open to the public. Register online.Architectures and Ecologies of Amazonia is an interdisciplinary international symposium and exhibition highlighting the agencies that have shaped and are shaped by Am azonia. Threatened by deforestation\, fire\, and drought\, the Amazon rain forest\, which spans nine countries\, is home to more than thirty million people. It is the ancestral homeland of more than one million Indigenous p eoples and supports the greatest concentration of biodiversity on Earth. I n the face of the widespread socio-environmental challenges we currently f ace\, along with the existential threat of crossing the environmental tipp ing point of the Amazon rainforest\, the symposium aims to share lessons t hat the study of the Amazon can teach us about climate action\, coexistenc e\, and the built environment. \;The full-day symposium on February 7 is organized by Vanessa Grossman\, Assistant Professor\, Department of Arc hitecture\, and Catherine Seavitt\, Meyerson Professor of Urbanism and Cha ir\, Department of Landscape Architecture\, in collaboration with Fernando Lara\, Professor\, Department of Architecture and Kristina Lyons\, Associ ate Professor of Anthropology. A parallel exhibition of student work will be held in the Mezzanine Gallery of Meyerson Hall from February 7 through May 1\, 2025. The exhibition is designed by Jonathan Bonezzi and Ryan Lane .Architectures and Ecologies of Amazonia is co-hosted by the Department of Architecture\, the Department of Landscape Architecture\, and the McHarg Center for Urbanism and Ecology. The symposium has also received generous support from several programs and initiatives across the University of Pen nsylvania\, including the Perry World House International Visitors Grant P rogram and the Penn Global Convening Grant\, the Department of Anthropolog y\, the Center for Experimental Ethnography\, the Center for Latin America n and Latinx Studies\, and Native American and Indigenous Studies at Penn.  \; The symposium is organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Te chnology of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)\, and the \; N&u acute\;cleo Arquitetura Moderna na Amazô\;nia (NAMA).If you require a ny accessibility accommodation\, such as live captioning\, audio descripti on\, or a sign language interpreter\, please email Please note\, we require at least five (5) business days&rsquo\; notice. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250502 DTSTAMP:20250313T233116Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250207 LOCATION:Pennsylvania\,United States\,Philadelphia\,Fisher Fine Arts Librar y\, 4th Floor\, 220 South 34th Street\, SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Architectures and Ecologies of Amazonia UID:RFCALITEM638775054762721022 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Free and open to the public. Register online.
Architectures and Ecologies of Amazonia is an interdi sciplinary international symposium and exhibition highlighting the agencie s that have shaped and are shaped by Amazonia. Threatened by deforestation \, fire\, and drought\, the Amazon rainforest\, which spans nine countries \, is home to more than thirty million people. It is the ancestral homelan d of more than one million Indigenous peoples and supports the greatest co ncentration of biodiversity on Earth. In the face of the widespread socio- environmental challenges we currently face\, along with the existential th reat of crossing the environmental tipping point of the Amazon rainforest\ , the symposium aims to share lessons that the study of the Amazon can tea ch us about climate action\, coexistence\, and the built environment.  \;