BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 13.3//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Conference: Oct 9-12\, 2025. Los Angeles\, California\, USA. Th e Urban History Association seeks proposals for papers\, panels\, roundtab les\, posters\, workshops\, retrospectives\, lightning rounds\, profession al development opportunities\, and many other kinds of sessions on any asp ect of urban\, suburban\, and metropolitan history in the United States an d globally. Our goal is to convene a vibrant and generative conference tha t will showcase new research\, consider the state of the field\, engage wi th a broad public\, and introduce new audiences and new communities to our area of study. We especially hope to engage K-12 teachers\, writers\, act ivists\, artists\, and community leaders invested in Los Angeles and its r egion. The conference theme\, &ldquo\;Metropolitan Majorities\,&rdquo\; re flects trends across the world: the ongoing population growth of cities an d their metropolitan areas\; the rising ethnoracial and cultural diversity of urban and suburban places\; the increasing concentration of economic a ctivities\; and the contentious politics that have accompanied these chang es. This is our first meeting not just in Los Angeles\, but also in Califo rnia and on the West Coast. Holding our conference in a metropolitan regio n approaching twenty million people&mdash\;one that is highly diverse\, ex tremely wealthy and unequal\, globally connected\, and a preeminent center of cultural production&mdash\; offers an ideal venue to think about these trends\, their historical antecedents\, and their present implications.&n bsp\;The Urban History Association welcomes submissions for both individua l papers and full sessions.Deadline for submission is February 1\, 2025. L earn more and submit at \; \; DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250202 DTSTAMP:20250313T132209Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241218 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Call for Papers\, Panels\, and Round tables: Metropolitan Majoritie s - Urban History Association Conference 2025 UID:RFCALITEM638774689290754195 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Conference: Oct 9-12\, 2025. Los An geles\, California\, USA.
The Urban History Association se eks proposals for papers\, panels\, roundtables\, posters\, workshops\, re trospectives\, lightning rounds\, professional development opportunities\, and many other kinds of sessions on any aspect of urban\, suburban\, and metropolitan history in the United States and globally.
Our goal is to convene a vibrant and generative conference that will showcase new res earch\, consider the state of the field\, engage with a broad public\, and introduce new audiences and new communities to our area of study. We espe cially hope to engage K-12 teachers\, writers\, activists\, artists\, and community leaders invested in Los Angeles and its region.
The confe rence theme\, &ldquo\;Metropolitan Majorities\,&rdquo\; reflects trends ac ross the world: the ongoing population growth of cities and their metropol itan areas\; the rising ethnoracial and cultural diversity of urban and su burban places\; the increasing concentration of economic activities\; and the contentious politics that have accompanied these changes.
This is our first meeting not just in Los Angeles\, but also in California and on the West Coast. Holding our conference in a metropolitan region approac hing twenty million people&mdash\;one that is highly diverse\, extremely w ealthy and unequal\, globally connected\, and a preeminent center of cultu ral production&mdash\; offers an ideal venue to think about these trends\, their historical antecedents\, and their present implications. \;
The Urban History Association welcomes submissions for both individual papers and full sessions.
Deadline for submission is February 1\, 20 25. Learn more and submit at \;. \;