
av福利社 Members Awarded ACLS Fellowships

Congratulations to the following av福利社 members for recieving ACLS Fellowships. For more on ACLS Fellowship recipients, or to apply for a fellowship, visit the ACLS website.
Jun 29, 2012 by User Not Found

Zeynep Celik

Zeynep Celik / ACLS Fellowship

Professor, Architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Empires and Antiquities: Appropriating the Past

John North Hopkins

John North Hopkins / ACLS New Faculty Fellows Program

New Faculty Fellow, Art History, Rice University

The Topographical Transformation of Archaic Rome: A New Interpretation of Architecture and Landscape in the Early City

Matthew Benjamin Matteson

Matthew Benjamin Matteson / ECF Dissertation Completion Fellowship

Doctoral Candidate, History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Between Architectures: Institutionalization and Architectural Discourse in Early 20th Century Poland