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  • A yearlong subscription to the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Jav福利社). Choose from digital access only or a combined print and digital subscription. 
  • On-demand access to the complete Jav福利社 Archive (1941–present)
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  • Subscription to the av福利社 Newsletter and Opportunities Weekly Roundup

av福利社 Levels

av福利社 Member

Our most popular membership tier offers optimized pricing to help everyone participate affordably in our community.  Emerging scholars can apply for a one-year membership grant that helps bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and full-cost av福利社 memberships.

RateDescriptionPrice: DigitalPrice: Digital + Print
Individual12-month benefits for one person$163$173
Joint12-month benefits for two people (domestic partners). Each person receives a unique member ID and their own login to the member portal.$233$243
Retired/EmeritusDiscounted individual membership for former professionals on a fixed income$98$108
ReducedDiscounted individual membership for people working independently or at an institution without full-time employment. This includes adjunct and contingent faculty unemployed workers.$98$108
StudentDiscounted individual membership for students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in architectural history or related disciplines.$60$70
Professional AssociateDiscounted individual memberships for groups of professionals working in the same museum, office, or firm. Ideal for architects, research or preservation groups, museum staff, and public design education.

$179 for first member + $103 for each additional member at the same institution



Upper-Level Member

Show your support for av福利社’s mission by including a tax-deductible donation along with your Individual or Joint print + digital membership. Upper-level members receive all the benefits of a regular membership plus:

  • Discount on registration for av福利社 Annual Conference, rates given below.
  • Acknowledgement in four quarterly issues of Jav福利社, the annual report, and quarterly donor reports
  • av福利社 to Frank Lloyd Wright National Reciprocal Sites Program, with which our headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House is affiliated.
  • Early registration access for av福利社 Study and Excursion tours
TierDonationPrice with Individual av福利社Price with Joint av福利社Discount on Annual Conference Registration



Life and Benefactor Member

Show your long-term commitment to av福利社 by becoming a Life member. Life members’ dues provide unrestricted funds to support the Society’s mission and continued opportunities for all members. Lock in your price and enjoy the most comprehensive suite of member benefits without the need to renew each year.

Life members receive these additional benefits:

  • Acknowledgement in Jav福利社, annual report, and quarterly donor reports
  • av福利社 to Frank Lloyd Wright National Reciprocal Sites Program, with which our headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House is affiliated.
  • Early registration access for av福利社 Study and Excursion tours
  • Specialty membership card
  • Free tour of av福利社's historic headquarters at the Charnley-Persky House in Chicago, IL
  • One complimentary walking tour during av福利社 Annual Conference, reserved in advance, on a space-available basis.
  • Free copy of an av福利社 Buildings of the United States book of your choice

Current Life Members can enhance their commitment to av福利社 by becoming a Benefactor through a $5,000 tax-deductible donation. 

TierPriceDonation Total
Life $5,000 (one payment or four annual payments of $1,250)None *
Benefactor$10,000 $5,000

* Life memberships are amortized over a period of 20 years and pay for annual benefits. There is no tax-deductible portion associated with Life membership.

President's Circle

av福利社 is immensely grateful to the many Life and Benefactor Members who continue to support the Society financially year after year. President’s Circle status recognizes the ongoing commitment these members show.

President’s Circle status is an annual distinction given to all Life and Benefactor members who make gifts to the Society of Architectural Historians totaling $1,000 or more during a given 12-month period. The status is applied to a donor as soon as they have achieved $1,000 in gifts within a single calendar year. The status is valid for 12 months from that date, and the date shall serve as an anniversary by which to renew their President's Circle status with one or more gifts totaling $1,000.

President's Circle members receive special benefits as thanks for their support:

  • 10% discount on member-rate conference registration
  • Recognition from the podium at av福利社 Celebrates annual gala

Limited-Access Affiliate

Affiliate membership permits an individual to participate in the activities of one or more av福利社 Affiliate Groups and the av福利社 Commons online scholarly network, without access to any other av福利社 benefits such as Jav福利社 or discounted registration for conferences. Price is $25 per year.


Institutional Subscription

Institutional membership provides a subscription to Jav福利社 and/or Jav福利社 Online for communities of readers at public and academic libraries, museums, schools of architecture, architectural history departments, and other large institutions. Institutional subscribers receive the av福利社 Newsletter, qualify for discounted Career Center job ads, and member-rate registration for two library staff attending the av福利社 Annual International Conference.

The University of California Press handles institutional subscriptions on av福利社's behalf. Visit the  to join or renew your Institutional subscription.

Subscription Type Price per YearAdditional Benefits
Digital Only $693 
Print + Digital - Domestic $781 
Print + Digital - International $807 
Sustaining $881
  • Extra print copy of the journal (total 2)
  • Recognition in the Journal as a Sustaining institution



Affiliate Groups

av福利社 Affiliate Groups are comprised of av福利社 members who share a common, narrowly defined interest, scholarly or otherwise. Participation in Affiliate Group activities is a benefit of av福利社 membership.

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av福利社 Chapters

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Member Stories

Member Stories: Maria Elisa Navarro Morales

Jun 26, 2023 by av福利社 News

Navarro Morales in front of the ColoseumMaria Elisa Navarro Morales is an architect and architectural historian. She lives in Dublin and has been a member of av福利社 since 2012.

Can you tell us about your career path?

My career developed slowly. I studied architecture at the Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia, a program I joined at a very young age and, as many others, I saw in architecture a good compromise between my love for math and my interest in art history. I was lucky to have studied at Los Andes in the late ‘90s in a program envisioned by a young director, Dr. Fabio Restrepo, who saw the importance of balancing design studio with the humanities and technology. This helped me appreciate aspects of the discipline beyond design, something that ultimately impacted my career. I graduated from a five-year professional program in 1999. After, I worked for a couple of years in offices in Bogota, but as most of the people of my generation, I ended up leaving a war-stricken Colombia in 2001. I think back at those years and realize how difficult it was to find your feet after leaving your country unwillingly, something many young people are faced with today. In 2005 while living in the US, I decided to apply to the MArch program in History and Theory at McGill University. I was familiar with the program since in 1998 I went to Montreal as an exchange student and took Prof. Alberto Pérez-Gómez's course, Architectural Intentions. When I arrived at the History and Theory program at McGill, I felt I had found my way and I decided to apply to the PhD program, a possibility I never considered as a young Colombian architect. I completed a PhD on the architectural theory of Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz in 2013 under Prof. Pérez-Gómez´s supervision. While at McGill I  had the opportunity to teach as a summer replacement in the School of Architecture at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, in 2010. The following year I moved to Halifax to work as assistant professor at Dalhousie. At the end of 2013, the possibility to move back to Colombia appeared and in January 2014 I moved back to Colombia to work at the School of Architecture at Universidad de Los Andes. After spending five years in Colombia it became clear that the  opportunities for doing research and get the experience and exposure I sought are still very limited in Colombia, so I moved to Dublin in 2019, where I work as an assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin.

What projects are you currently working on?

My main project right now is a monograph on the architectural theory of Caramuel de Lobkowitz. This is a project that has developed over the last 10 years, first with my doctoral research where I read very carefully Caramuel´s treatise “Archtectura Civil Recta y Obliqua” and wrote a critical edition. More recently while doing archival work I discovered the unpublished fourth volume of “Architectura Civil” at the archives in Vigevano, which demonstrates that Caramuel’s treatise was published incomplete and makes necessary a revision of our interpretation of the treatise to date. In my book, I show how Caramuel used architecture to investigate political, philosophical, historical, theological, and astronomical questions. Through an in-depth study of Caramuel´s treatise, including the unpublished fourth volume, my book explores how early modern architecture was a tool and method for knowing the world.

In addition to the manuscript, I am also preparing a transcription of the found manuscript, which I intend to publish in a digital edition.

Do you have a particular memory of when you first became aware of the significance of architecture or when you knew you wanted to study it?

One experience that marked me was working as a young architect in Bogotá at the end of the nineties. At the time the mayors of the city, Antanas Mockus and Enrique Peñaloza, developed a policy to improve the living conditions of the city, and the office of urban planing developed many projects including the construction of sidewalks along some of the main commercial streets. Before this project, sidewalks in Bogota were considered private parking spaces for the shops facing it. They were developed in a patchwork manner without any consideration for continuity or accessibility. The project was designed at the central planning office and developed by individual architects’ firms, including the one I was working for at the time. There was a lot of resistance to the project at the time, especially shop owners who were concerned that removing the parking was going to affect their sales. When the project was finished, the city had many kilometers of public space, and the city was transformed. The sidewalks were real public space where people meet, walk, and go shopping and where everyone has the same rights to it.  I think this project is one of the first that showed me the importance of architecture and how the build environment can completely transform the lives of people with simple interventions.

What is your biggest professional challenge?

I think one challenge historians of any sort face today is how to negotiate a work that takes a very long time to produce with the immediacy that characterizes our society. I feel there is a lot of pressure to respond to current questions with our research and these questions change very quickly without us having time to think and respond to them. I think the challenge then is to remain focused and trust the importance of the research we do outside from current trends and be able to communicate this importance and timelessness.

When and how did you become involved with av福利社?

I became part of av福利社 when I was doing my PhD and I presented a paper at the annual conference in 2013 in Buffalo, NY. I have been a member since then and presented papers in some of the annual meetings including Pasadena 2016 and the online conference in 2020. At this conference I met Prof. Jesus Escobar, whom I consider a mentor. Through av福利社 and the opportunities it advertises, I learned about the research project “Spanish Italy and the Iberian Americas,” which I joined from 2016 until 2023. Being a member of av福利社 has helped me build a network of scholars working that has significantly impacted my work.

Do you have a vision for how av福利社 should evolve in the future?

I think av福利社 is an impressive organization that supports architectural historians in many ways. I think the current initiatives of av福利社 IDEAS on inclusion, diversity, equity, accountability, and sustainability are commendable, and I hope to see them continue in the future. I have seen more and more the diversity of themes and geographies included in the conferences and in the journal. The Society supports students and academics in early stages and is active in supporting those with precarious or contingent positions. Personally, I find it reassuring to have an institution like av福利社 lobbying for us on these matters in the U.S.

I think as a leader in the Americas av福利社 should find partners that will allow it to extend that support to Latin America. While other associations in the UK and Europe exist, scholars from Central and South America are less fortunate. I would love to see a Latin American chapter for av福利社.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter your field?

This is a difficult question. The first thing I would say is that they are entering a fascinating and exciting field and that I hope they enjoy it as much as I do. I think it is important to be passionate about the topic one studies as it takes most of our time and lives. You have to be in love with what you study to stay interested and endure the hardships of academic life.

My advice to people entering architectural history is to take time making decisions and informing themselves on the opportunities available to them. Architectural history is a rich field and I think it is important to take time deciding things like where and with whom to do a PhD as well as understanding what are the professional opportunities available. Academia is very competitive and with schools of architecture reducing their offerings on architectural history more and more, the jobs are few and competition very high.

I think the future of architectural history is in the hands of those entering in the field, and they have a difficult challenge in making changes that are necessary. We need to strive for more jobs with more stability and we have a long way to go to achieve equity and diversity. But I believe if newcomers are aware of the challenges and the value of their work, architectural history will be in good hands.

av福利社 members engage with the history of the built environment through a broad array of specializations, professional fields, and areas of interest. Member Stories is a regular feature that recognizes the expertise and unique experiences of our members.

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av福利社 Grants

Emerging scholars can apply for a one-year membership grant that helps bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and full-cost av福利社 memberships.

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Anne Hill Bird
Director of av福利社
