
Anna Andrzejewski Awarded NEH-Hagley Fellowship

Jun 27, 2022 by av福利社 News

Hagley Museum and Library (Wilmington, DE) collects, preserves, and interprets the unfolding history of American enterprise. Hagley's collections document the interaction between business and the cultural, social, and political dimensions of our society from the late 18th century to the present. The library opened in 1961 and has been assisting authors, historians, filmmakers, genealogists, hobbyists, and an assortment of content producers for over half a century. We are recognized around the world as one of the preeminent institutions for the study of business history. 

Hagley awards short-term

Anna Andrzejewski has been appointed NEH-Hagley Fellow for 6 months for her research: "The Creation of South Florida’s White, Middle-Class Retirement & Vacation Landscape, 1945-1970"

Dr. Andrzejewski’s project draws upon the Margolies collection of travel ephemera to explore the architectural and cultural history of vacation and retirement developments in coastal South Florida after World War II. The rapid growth of these kinds of communities reflected a regional, age-inflected form of postwar suburban leisure, revealing important, and as-yet unexamined, way in which suburbanization worked to bolster white, middle-class hegemony. Consisting of single-family homes, garden apartments, and low-rise condominiums surrounding recreational amenities and often lying adjacent to beaches, lakes, or estuaries, these kinds of developments reflected and enacted a racially and class bound form of leisure closely tethered to an image of South Florida as a tropical paradise.

Anna Andrzejewski is a faculty member in Art History and the Bradshaw Knight professor in Environmental Humanities in the Nelson Institute at UW Madison.  

Anna Andrzejewski initially joined av福利社 in 1997.  She has served twice as the Chair of the Downing Book Award Committee, and on the H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship, the av福利社 Mellon Author Awards Jury, and the Sally Kress Tompkins HABS Committees.  She served as a Session Chair at the 2020 Annual Conference and as a Speaker at the 2014 and 2021 Annual Conferences.