At its recent meeting, the av福利社 Executive Committee discussed and internalized the feedback we’ve received from many of our members about how very difficult their lives are right now. This is an unprecedented time with multiple tragedies unfolding on a daily basis, and we would like to help ease the financial burdens of our members who have been most affected by job loss, a shrinking job market, and other personal and professional difficulties. In response to the challenges of our times, av福利社 is reducing membership rates for some individual membership categories and is creating new categories of membership that carry reduced fees. We hope these changes will help you continue to benefit from your professional network and organization at a time when you most need them.
The changes in membership structure and rates began on August 1, 2020, and are being introduced on a trial basis for two years until July 31, 2022. At that point, we will reevaluate the changes.
The new membership categories are designed to reduce the cost of membership for those with constrained finances, while continuing to carry full benefits including access to Jav福利社 Online, the Jav福利社 Archive, the annual conference, av福利社ARA, fellowships, and live and recorded versions of all av福利社 CONNECTS online programs. The new categories and adjusted rates include the following:
Graduate Student membership has been reduced by 23% from $65 to $50 annually.
A new Individual Reduced Rate membership, down by 55%, from $145 to $65, will be for individuals who are working independently or at an institution or company without full-time employment. This includes adjunct and contingent faculty who experience precarious employment, and part-time and unemployed workers.
A new Individual Retired/Emeritus rate membership, down by 55% from $145 to $65, will be for professionals who are 65+ and who have retired on a reduced income.
All member categories still have the option to add the printed journal for an additional $10.
Individual, Joint, Professional Associate and Upper-Level membership rates, which have not increased since 2018, will remain at the current level for the next two years. Life and Benefactor membership dues will each increase by $100.
Finally, for those who want to participate in the activities of the av福利社 Affiliate Groups only, without the full benefits of av福利社 membership, av福利社 has created a special Affiliate av福利社 which will give individuals complete access to all av福利社 Affiliate Groups as well as access to where much of the work of the Affiliates Groups will be centered. The Affiliate av福利社 rate is $25 annually. Current av福利社 members are also welcome to join av福利社 Affiliate Groups at no additional cost.
The has further details and a full list of member benefits. We sincerely hope that you will find a welcome home at av福利社 and that you will continue to be active in av福利社 and this engaging field of study.
Best wishes,
Pauline Saliga, av福利社 Executive Director
Victoria Young, av福利社 President
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