
Call for Session Proposals 

Society of Architectural Historians 
Virtual 2025
September 18–20, 2025

Conference Chair: Swati Chattopadhyay, av福利社 Vice President, University of California, Santa Barbara

Download this call as a PDF

The Society of Architectural Historians invites those interested in the history of the built environment to submit a session proposal for its virtual conference—av福利社 Virtual 2025—that will be held from Thursday, September 18, to Saturday, September 20, 2025.

The purpose of av福利社 Virtual 2025 is to share and discuss research in architectural history and related disciplines that cover every period in the history of architecture and all aspects of the built environment. In addition to architectural historians, we seek submissions from allied and adjacent disciplines including (but not limited to) architecture, landscape, urban history, art history, design, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, geography, environmental studies, etc. The guiding principle for av福利社 Virtual 2025 is inter-disciplinary sharing and collaboration. We hope this will be an opportunity for people from any discipline who are interested in the history of the built environment to participate in a meaningful exchange of ideas.

FORMAT FOR 2025 — av福利社 Virtual 2025 will be comprised entirely of pre-formed sessions. Each session will have between four and five papers, with 15 minutes allotted for each paper presentation. Session organizers will be responsible for the theme of the session and for finding appropriate presenters. Sessions may include up to two session chairs. Session organizers are allowed to act as session chairs and present in their session. Sessions may include respondents. 

Sessions may be theoretical, methodological, thematic, interdisciplinary, pedagogical, revisionist or documentary in premise and have broadly conceived or more narrowly focused subjects. Sessions that embrace cross-cultural and transnational topics are particularly welcome. Topics related to historic preservation and cultural heritage as related to architecture are also encouraged. Proposals will be selected based on merit and the need to create a balanced program. In every case, the session’s theme should be clearly defined in critical and historical terms.

av福利社 welcomes session proposals that are organized by individuals or groups, including (but not limited to) av福利社 partner organizations; av福利社 Affiliate Groups, chapters, and committees; and groups not affiliated with av福利社. The Society also seeks proposals for sessions that further the goals of the av福利社 IDEAS Initiative: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability, and Sustainability. We thus seek sessions that explore the intersection of architecture and social justice, inclusion and exclusion, diversity, transparency, accessibility, borders and conflicts, systemic inequalities, and challenges of method. 

Since late submissions cannot be considered, it is recommended that proposals be submitted before the deadline. 

Each individual participating in a session (as an organizer, moderator, respondent, session chair and/or presenter) will be required to join av福利社 and register for the virtual conference to participate in the session.  

Each session will be one hour and fifty minutes long. Sessions include a five-minute introduction by the session organizer or chair, 15-minute paper presentations by each presenter, and audience questions and discussion, moderated by the session organizer or respondent. A typical schedule for a session with five papers would be:

8:00 Introduction
8:05 First Presenter
8:20 Second Presenter
8:35 Third Presenter
8:50 Fourth Presenter
9:05 Fifth Presenter
9:20 Q&A/Discussion
9:50 End of Session

What is the format for av福利社 Virtual 2025?

  1. Papers will be presented in pre-formed sessions.
  2. We welcome session proposals from av福利社 Affiliate Groups, chapters, as well as partner organizations including but not limited to av福利社GB, av福利社ANZ, EAHN, EAUH, and others.
  3. Our goal is to create a transdisciplinary platform, so we welcome submissions from colleagues in other fields including but not limited to architecture, landscape, urban history, art history, design, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, geography, environmental studies, and public health.
  4. The virtual nature of this conference allows us to schedule sessions for different time zones, so we welcome submissions from all continents.

Additional Information

Sessions for Virtual 2025 will be recorded in their entirety and made available to all registered attendees for 30 days post-conference.


Submission Guidelines

Session proposals must be submitted online by 11:59 pm Central Standard Time, on Monday, May 19, 2025.

Session organizers must complete the 2025 Session Proposal Form with the following:
  • A session title not longer than 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
  • An abstract of the session (300-word maximum).
  • Contact information, including affiliation and email address, for each session participant including organizers/session chairs and presenters.
  • Indication of the time zone of session organizers/presenters.
  • Titles for each of the papers in the session.
  • Confirmed participation in av福利社 Virtual 2025 from each participant. 
  • Include current CV (2 pages max) for each session participant including session chairs and presenters.

as a single attachment (PDF or Word) with the following naming convention: submitting organizer last name _session title (may be truncated)

Example: Young_av福利社_and_the_New.PDF

Session proposals MUST be submitted through Dropbox by the deadline to be considered. (You do not need a Dropbox account to submit your proposal.) Only fully formed panels will be considered.

Session Chair Guidelines, which include key dates and step-by-step processes, will be distributed after session selections are finalized.





Early Rate
6/25 to 8/31
Standard Rate
av福利社 Individual Member (Reduced Rate, Retired/Emeritus)
$85 USD
av福利社 Student Member
$45 USD
New or Renewing av福利社 Member*
$243 USD
New or Renewing Student Member*
$103 USD
New or Renewing  Individual Member (Reduced Rate or Retired/Emeritus**)*
Non Member

You will be prompted to log in. Please use "forgot password" options to recover or reset your password, if needed. Please contact us for assistance.


*Includes a one-year digital membership. If you'd like a print membership, please join/renew your membership first, then register for the conference separately OR call 312-573-1365 to join/renew and register by phone. 

**The Reduced Rate is for individuals who are working independently or at an institution without full-time employment. This includes adjunct and contingent faculty who experience precarious employment, and part-time and unemployed workers. The Retired/Emeritus rate is for those aged 65+ who are no longer employed.



March 5, 2025 – Call for Sessions/Panels opens
May 19, 2025, 11:59 p.m. CDT –
Deadline to submit a session proposal
June 16, 2025 – Session selection notification begins
June 24, 2025  Virtual 2025 Early registration opens
July 14, 2025 
 Virtual 2025 speaker and session chair registration deadline July 31, 2025 – Virtual 2024 General Registration opens
September 17, 2025 – Registration closes at 12:00 p.m. CDT
September 22, 2024 – Session video links shared via email with registered attendees


Christopher Kirbabas, av福利社 Director of Programs, ckirbabas@sah.org