
Interested in reaching the Society of Architectural Historians' international audience of architectural historians and practitioners, museum professionals, preservationists, urban planners, and others who work with the history of the built environment? av福利社 offers a variety of advertising opportunities, listed below.


Advertise your job opening in the av福利社 Career Center to reach an international audience of art and architectural historians, preservationists, architects, and other built environment professionals. Rates start at $250 for a 30-day listing.

av福利社 Newsletter

The av福利社 Newsletter, sent every two weeks, keeps members and nonmember subscribers informed of the latest av福利社 news, programs, publications, and opportunities. Ad size: 600 x 215 pixels. One issue $350; three issues $945 (10% discount); six issues $1680 (20% discount).

Opportunities Weekly Roundup

This popular weekly email rounds up links to opportunities published to the av福利社 website such as calls for papers, conferences, fellowships, exhibitions, and events. Ad size: 600 x 215 pixels. One issue $350; three issues $945 (10% discount); six issues $1680 (20% discount).

Jav福利社 Announcements

These quarterly emails announce a new issue of the journal and includes table of contents and links to Jav福利社 Online. Ad size: 600 x 215 pixels. One issue $350; three issues $945 (10% discount); six issues $1680 (20% discount).

Contact us at info@sah.org to reserve ad space.

Showcase your products, organization, or program with a sponsored email delivered on your behalf to av福利社 members and subscribers. Includes key metrics and link summary reports.

Contact us at info@sah.org for more information.

Published since 1941, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians is a leading English-language journal on the history of the built environment. University of California Press manages advertising for Jav福利社. For more information, contact adsales@ucpressjournals.com.

Program Book

Reach an international audience of professionals who work with the history of the built environment by placing an ad in the conference program book. The program book is available as a PDF on the av福利社 website and each conference attendee receives a printed copy.

Conference Emails

An email is sent to attendees each morning during the conference and provides a summary of the day's

conference activities. 


Single Exhibit Space - $710
Double Exhibit Space - $1360

Additional Table - $95

Conference Contact: Christopher Kirbabas

av福利社 Celebrates is the Society’s largest fundraising event of the year. Reach a targeted group of design practitioners and supporters by placing an ad in the program book.

Contact: Ben Thomas