
To apply for a fellowship or grant:

  1. Review the fellowship description below.
  2. Unless otherwise stated, you may submit your application online.


av福利社 av福利社 Grants provide emerging scholars with a one-year digital av福利社 Individual membership to bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and the full-cost av福利社 memberships. These awards are intended for emerging scholars, regardless of age or employment status, in the field of architectural history or its related disciplines. These grants are funded by the Society of Architectural Historians' Scott Opler Endowment for New Scholars.


The award consists of a one-year digital av福利社 Individual membership. av福利社 will recognize the recipients on-screen at the av福利社 Annual International Conference and in the av福利社 Newsletter.

Criteria for Application

These grants are intended to open membership in av福利社 to emerging scholars who are engaged in the study of architectural history and its related disciplines.

An emerging scholar for these purposes is defined as a person, regardless of age or employment status, who is new to the field of architectural history or its related disciplines and has received a terminal master's degree or PhD within the past five years (January 1, 2019–July 31, 2024).

Emerging scholars who are adjuncts or unemployed are encouraged to apply. The applicant may be either a new or renewing member of av福利社. The intention of the award is to act as a bridge between av福利社's current reduced-rate student memberships, which are subsidized by av福利社, and the full cost of annual membership in av福利社. 

Application Details

To apply, you will need to provide a current CV (2 pages max) and a brief statement (100–300 words) explaining how the grant will help further your professional interests. Applications are open, and the application deadline is September 30, 2024.